女孩一个人旅行的感受 一个人旅行

I think there is no one would say “no” to travel. People love travel, for it can make them relax and widen their vision. Some people like to travel with friends, because they want to share the pleasure of traveling, and they think the journey will be much easier for they can take care of each other. While some people like to travel alone, they can go anywhere in anytime. They don’t have to care about what the partner’s idea. In my opinion, I’m much preferred to travel with friends, but I always have an urge to travel alone.

Firstly, I was told that travel alone can help people to grow up quickly, and that’s what I really need. If you travel alone, you have to do everything by yourself in the journey, for instance, to buy a ticket, to book hotel, and ask directions. That maybe just a small case for extrovert, but for introvert, like me, it’s really a big challenge. I remember the first time I go to travel with friends and my little brother, they did everything, and I just follow and had fun. I even too shame to check into a hotel, and my little brother did it for me. I was humiliated for that. So, travel alone could force introvert to do the things that you don’t dare to do. It could help you to build an outgoing personality. For extrovert, travel alone could enhance your ability to handle emergence case.

Secondly, travel alone gives you peace of mind. Image that, you walking alone in the beach, there are no sounds of human beings, just burst of sound waves. You close your eyes, enjoy the moment, you will feel peace.

In short, travel alone could be loneliness and dangerous, especially for girls, but it’s worth having a try for the beautiful scene in the journey, it seems like all the things are just exist for you.

女孩一个人旅行的感受 一个人旅行


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