珍爱生命的事例 珍爱生命

Life is each person's wealth, because the world with life and colorful, full of vigour, let us love and cherish own life, seize every minute of life. Life is short, be gone for ever, human life is fleeting, time can not be reversed, we can only in a limited life infinite brilliance.

That day, my good friend clay came to my house to play, my mother know, immediately do a lot of delicious to clay. When we have fun when, suddenly, clay fainted. Mom saw mud, immediately sent to hospital. After the doctor's detailed inspection, the final judgment is had leukemia. Doctor for my mother said:" oh! The child to live no longer than four months, if you come a little earlier treatment, it is no big deal. But now... Alas!" Mother pale, said to the doctor:" doctor, do not save?" The doctor reluctantly shook his head. At that moment, I have tears in eyes is the best, but couldn't flow down. I think: why the event would fall in my good friend why, why! My mother said to me:" my daughter, you don't cry. We don't know if that mud, mud know she will be very sad, you promised mom don't tell clay, okay?" I cried and said: "Mom and I promise you, I will not tell her."

We came to the clay ward, pretending to be happy. For I in the four months to make clay can happy every day, make clay in full every day, I spend a lot of time. But time always flies so fast, I am very sad, because I know the clay have not much time.

珍爱生命的事例 珍爱生命


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8104310103/238518.html


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