熊猫早起21天习惯养成计划XX年08月13日-XX年09月02日focus this week:1.remain to get up at 6:00;2.add a task about listening voa in the morningremark:nos is that the teacher in new oriental school teaches the video course of new concept english;day timemondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaysunday131415161718196:00-7:00accent reduction-toefl's materials1accent reduction-toefl's materials1accent reduction-toefl's materials1accent reduction-toefl's materials1accent reduction-toefl's materials1climbing thehillclimbing thehill7:00-7:40review the listening content(agu.13)review the listening content(aug.13)review the listening content(aug.14)review the listening content(aug.15)review the listening content(aug.15)9:40-10:50browse microblogbrowse microblogbrowse microblogbrowse microblogbrowse microblog13:00-14:00reading eco 1,2 phrasesreading eco 3,4 phrasesreading eco 5,6 phrasesbufferreview21:00-22:00listening the air-english(aug.13)listening the air-english(aug.14)listening the air-english(aug.15)listening the air-english(aug.16)listening the air-english(aug.17)22:00-23:00reading guofan zengcopy the pptbuffercopy the pptcompanying with family23:00-23:30reading the book dear john 1-10)reading the book(11-20)reading the book(21-30)reading the book(31-40)今天是学习的第一天,热情很高,现总结如下:
highlight:1.focus on the schedule and finish all the itemson time;
lowlight: 1.be often absent-minded during listening the studio english;
2.leave a little time to spare,that is, the schedule is more tight.
tomorrow focus:1.review the studio english;
2.keep a concentration on listening english;
3.forge a firm habitabout learning.