表达爱的英文短句 表达爱的英文句子

1.babay,will you be my valentine?i will make you the happiest girl on earth.宝贝,当我的情人吧,我将使你成为世界上最快乐的女孩

2.for the same reason you like me, i like you, too.我也喜欢你啊,就想你喜欢我一样.

3.i can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.我的脑海中除了你那迷人的微笑甚至什么都没有。

4.i fall in love with you at first sight. 我对你是一见钟情.

5.i heel over head fall in love with you. 我为你神魂颠倒.

6.i love stars, and you’re as beautiful as a star.我喜欢星星,而你就跟星星般美丽。

7.i love you with all my heart. 我全心全意爱你.

8.if the sun were to rise in the west, i’d never change my mind to love you forever.即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也不会改变.

9.if you go away, i’ll be blue. i’ll miss you when you leave. 假如你走了,我会很沮丧. 你离开,我会很想念.

10.if you need me ,i am here for you.i am on your side.如果你需要我,我会在这等候,我跟你是一国的。

11.i’ll love you as long as i live. 爱你一辈子。

12.i’m so happy with you in this starry night. 在这繁星闪烁的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快乐。

13.let’s hitch it. 让我们拴在一起吧. 14.my love for you is as deep as the sea. 对你的爱,似海深。

15.you are a woman of my dream. 你是我的梦中情人.

16.you are my dearest love. 你是我的至爱.

17.you are my only one. 你是我今生的唯一.

表达爱的英文短句 表达爱的英文句子

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8104440103/272388.html


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