牛津幼儿英语1a 牛津小学英语1A Unit 7 My family 第一课时教案

2、学生已经学过了一些基本的用语,如“this is a/an…”、“that’s a…”等一些口语。
1、本节课是unit 7 的第一课时,本教学设计适应小学英语一年级起点的学生。
2、 本节课的教学设计是以学生的日常生活为题材,包括了“father, mother, sister”等学生异常熟悉、易于接受的课题,采用探究式、发现式的学习方法,促使学生拓展视野,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。
1.listening: listen and identify the key words.
2.speaking: pronounce the words properly.
3. communicating: use nouns to identify objects.
1.master the pronunciation of the new words.
2.use the patterns to solute the tasks.
3.use the words in daily life.
cassette player, cassette, 教学卡片,房子挂图,句子等等.
family pictures and the individual pictures.(最初设想,但是后来并没有实现)
step1. let’s singlet’s do
(让学生回忆这个学期学过的一些英文歌曲,把他们带入到英语学习的氛围中。tpr活跃课堂的气氛。同时,《hello》这首歌,以及this is____. 句型也为以后的巩固歌曲打下基础。)
step2. free talk
t: look! who is he? s: he’s sam.
t: hello, i’m sam.(把sam的头饰挂在身上。)
s: hello, sam.
t: how are you? s: fine, thank you.
t: how old are you? s: i’m …years old.
t: good morning. s: good morning.
step3. presentation
t: good! let’s go to my home.(教师出示房子挂图)
t: look! this is sam. this is me.(打开其中的一扇窗户,指着自己身上的头饰让学生自己领会me的含义。)
s: (跟读,个别纠音)
t: can you read the sentence?
s: yes. this is _____.
t: who is it? (指着另一扇关着的窗户询问学生。给每个小组一次猜的机会。)
s: ……(小组比赛,答对的小组加星)
t: father, father, my father.(齐读、小组读、个别纠音。)
t: who can introduce? (拿出this is ____. 句型,让学生常识介绍自己的父亲。)
s: ……
t: read these three words: father, mother and me.
now, who can act like your father or mother? (让一个小朋友来模仿爸爸或者妈妈的动作,其他的小朋友来猜father or mother?)
s: ……(小组比赛,答对的小组加星)
t: look! it’s a cat. do you like cat?

牛津小学英语1A Unit 7 My family 第一课时教案_牛津小学英语1a教案

s: …… this is my cat.
step4. consolidation
t: listen and point. (听录音,边听边指)
listen and read. (跟读录音)
s: ……
t: now, let’s play a game. “louder and lower”. if i say loudly, you say lowly; if i say lowly, you say loudly. (用“大声与小声”这个游戏来巩固这四个单词)
s: ……(小组比赛,读得好的小组加星)
t: let’s sing a song. 《hello》
hello, father, do oh do.
hello, mother, do oh do.
hello, sister, do oh do.
hello, hello, hello!
t: now, let’s read these words.(1、全面跟读 2、逐句朗读 3、个别朗读 4、重点纠正)
step5. let’s play
t: it’s a happy time now! look! who is it? (展示手指玩偶,一个一个说过去。)
this is my cat.
this is my mother.
this is my father.
this is my sister.
this is me.
t: show me your pictures and introduce your family to us, please.(先在小组内展示、介绍,然后再向全班学生介绍你的家庭。)

牛津幼儿英语1a 牛津小学英语1A Unit 7 My family 第一课时教案


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8104460103/275694.html



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