个人自传 英文个人自传

个人自传 英文个人自传


申请出国留学时,自传(personal statement)的质量和内容也是成功的关键。撰写英文自传时,不要一味说空话套话,有时一个日常生活中的小例子远胜于长篇累牍的流水帐。还要特别注意:既不能自吹自擂,也不必过于谦虚,应该本着实事求是,不卑不亢的原则。下附一例,以作说明:

Personal Statement/Autobiography

My name is Fang Yan. I am 24 years old and male. I was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. There are three people in my family including me, and I am the only son.

My father is an electronic engineer and my mother is a teacher of English. I completed elementary, junior and senior high school in Taiyuan. In 1993, I entered Shanghai Jiaotong University and graduated in 1997 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Since then I have been working as a computer programmer in Shanghai Wanda Company.

Influenced by my father, I’ve been interested in electronics since I was quite young. I love breaking down and reassembling little gadgets in spare time as well. I still remember that I made a portable transistor radio by myself in junior high school. And I made it a part-time job repairing TV sets and radios for neighbours in senior high.

Since childhood, I’ve been taught by my parents to make friends with people around and always keep good manners in public. Besides, I learn the importance of helping people out when they need it most by doing my part-time job.

Besides, I like sports very much and I am physically well.

Of course I do admit that I have some shortcomings. I can be shy when speaking in the presence of large crowds of people. Sometimes I am hesitant in making quick decisions. But I’m sure I will be able to overcome them.

Now I’m applying for a position in your company. I believe a whole new working environment will surely provide better chances for me to build up future career and personal characters.

Thank you very much.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8104460103/278119.html




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