Apple’s new iMessage app was one of the biggest surprises at WWDC yesterday. Once I got iOS 5 and Lion installed on my devices, I asked our Twitter followers what they wanted to know about the new OSes and we got a lot of questions about iMessage and how it works. There seems to have been a bit of confusion regarding the new service, so let me help explain how iMessage works on iOS 5.
苹果全新的通讯软件iMessage是昨儿WWDC大会上最大的惊喜之一.当我把ios5和Lion(mac os10.7)安装到我的设备后,我在推特上问了一下关注我的人,有什么是他们想知道关于新的操作系统的问题.我收到了许多关于imessage的问题,问它是如何使用的.这项全新的服务上好像有一些比较混淆的概念,所以呢,让我来帮大家解释一下iMessage是如何在ios5上运行的.
iMessage is not a stand alone app. Instead, Apple converged iMessages and SMS Texts into one app called “Messages.” This is great because instead of having to switch between different apps, and worrying about how to get all your contacts synced up for both of them it’s all taken care of on the back-end.
iMessage不是一个单独的程序.而是被苹果把 iMessages和短信一起整合了,叫一个名儿"Messages."这点很棒,因为这样以来就不用在不同的应用程序之间相互切换了,也不用担心把你的通讯录再备份同步一遍,这都是在后台统一被设定好的.(这句话大概就是你的联系人就直接在messages里面出现了,不用在重新设定联系人,显得麻烦.)
What’s great about Messages is that you don’t have to know your friends Apple ID or tell your iPhone to send them an iMessage instead of an SMS. Your iOS 5 iPhone automatically checks to see if the phone number you’re sending to is an iPhone running iOS 5 and if the recipient is running iOS 5 it will send them an iMessage rather than an SMS Text. It’s incredibly simple and will probably save a lot of people some money on texting fees.
Messages有一点非常棒,就是你根本不用知道你朋友们的苹果账号或者提前告诉他们"唉,我发的是imessage,不是短信,你收到了没"(之类的话.).你的iphone(装了ios5系统)会自动检测你要发送的号码,检测一下是否是一台运行ios5 的iphone,若检测出运行的就是ios5设备的话,那就会自动发送imessage信息而不是短信了(这样就免费了啊,就跨越运营商了啊,就是美国和中国发短信也不要钱了啊混蛋!!!).这他妈简直太简单了,难以置信的简单.而且很有可能为大家省下一堆短信费.(让你们运营商坑爹我草!!!)
Once it’s been determined that a contact has iOS 5, your Address Book is update and a small blue chat bubble will appear next to the contact’s name in the future, indicating that they can receive iMessages.
If you’re still not sure whether you’re sending an iMessage to SMS Text, Apple has revamped the texting screen by adding a little bit more color. SMS message conversations are green while iMessage conversations are blue. Here is a screenshots of me sending a text to my girlfriend (who for some reason is still rocking a Palm Pre) and another screen sending a text to CoM Writer, Killian Bell who is using an iPhone 4 with iOS 5. Notice that the “Send” button on the SMS and the iMessage are different colors, as well as the outgoing chat bubble.
这有一张我和我女朋友(一个因为某种原因还在用palm pre的人)发短信的截图.
还有一张我和一个使用iphone4(运行着ios5)的人,Killian Bell的短信截图.
A few other odds and ends: Many people look to iMessages as a way to end their Texting Plans, but how can you keep from sending SMS messages on accident? Easy. iOS 5 allows users to turn off SMS messaging completely so that iMessages are the only protocol that can be sent. The reverse is also true in that you can turn off iMessage as well so that you’re only doing SMS.
其他一些碎碎念:许多人期待着把iMessages当作他们的短信解决方案,但是你又如何在事故中发短信呢?(这句话好像有点问题,我没理 解...好了现在知道了,意思是如何避免万一发成了普通短信呢)简单.ios5允许用户把短信发送方式完全关闭,这样imessages就是唯一能被使用 的协议了.反之亦然,你也可以把imessage关了只用短信发送信息.

Another question has been, “well what if I have an iPod Touch and no iPhone?” Users with an iPod Touch can send/receive iMessages by using their Apple ID. You even have the option of changing your “Caller ID” from your phone number to your email address.
另外一个问题就是,如果我只有ipod touch但是没有iphone呢?只有ipod touch的用户可以用苹果账户(就是你itunes买东西的账户)来接收发送imessages.你甚至可以选择修改你的用户名.把你的电话号码换成你的邮箱地址.
Overall, iMessages are great. Being able to see when a message has been delivered and whether it’s been read or not really enhance the communication experience. The best part is that you don’t have to even think about them because if Apple is doing all of the work completely behind the scenes so that you won’t even notice. Using iMessages on multiple devices with the new support of iCloud ensures that you’ll never miss a beat when you’re working on both your ipad and iPhone.
总的来说,imessages真他娘的太棒了.可以看到你发送的信息对方收到没,甚至对方读了没你都可以知道(我靠,这下装逼的人说什么,哦, 我没收到你短信.你就可以直接揭穿谎言了.)这大大提高了交流的体验.最棒的就是你根本不用担心这些,因为你甚至都察觉不到,苹果已经在后台帮你做好了一 切.用 imessage在多台设备上通过icloud的支持,你就再也不会错过一条信息了,不管你用的是ipod touch还是iphone,还是ipad之类.
Now that you’ve had a better look at it, what do you think? Will iMessages slowly replace your Texting?
keep from sending SMS messages on accident?
keep from就是避免,阻止的意思.
on accident就是意外,万一发错了..