刚看了下QUORA印度洗地神balaji viswanathan的答案,22000个赞。给搬运过来吧。Withdrawing high denomination currency notes [demonetization] has been done before [1946, 1978]. However, I believe the present move [2016] might have a bigger impact than the one done by British India and Morarji Desai. This is a move I have been dreaming for years and glad that it was done.取消大面额票子的这种措施,早在1946年和1978年就实施过了,今年的措施带来的冲击明显会比过去两次的大很多。但是这项举措,我特么做梦都希望它发生,没想到居然还真的实现了笑傻我了!The fact that the government was able to do this so secretly in such a connected manner speaks volumes. Indira Gandhi tried this in early 1970s, but could not as the move leaked out and the bad guys quickly changed over the notes. The government had to back out of the move then. I’m even thinking if the move to ban NDTV was just a ploy to distract the whole media, to pull this off. And it was possiblyed on US election day likely to get the global media off the heat and attention, as foreign media has been ultracritical & condescending of any major move in India.事实上印度政府这么悄悄的实施有很深的含义。英迪拉·甘地(印度铁娘子)早在1970年就尝试这么干,但是在措施发布前消息泄密了,财主们都提前把钱换好了,行动失败。我甚至认为先前抵制新德里电视台的运动是个阴谋,为的是转移大家注意力。然后选在美国大选日发布,也是乘西方媒体注意力转移时,防止他们对咱们的措施说三道四。
There are 5 key incentives for this:
1.Bringing out illicit money sloshed stashed in the parallel economy
2.Having a lid on the fake money racket supported by our western neighborIncentivizing
3. India to go cashless. The banks would not hand you wads of the new cash, but will just credit the money to your bank account in place of your old currency.
4Moving the notes to a more secure standard - with better protection against counterfeiting.
5.Curbing inflation in real estate and reducing gold imports.
As the 6th incentive, it would impact coalitions ahead of the major elections in UP and Punjab. It is not shocking that elections, especially in these states with multidimensional politics [a lot of parties fighting] involve a lot of illicit money. MLAs get traded like horses - with suitcases of cash. Some of that trading will get impacted.
Unlike in the past, I don’t see much impact on normal users of currency. The transactions that happen on Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 should be moving to netbanking/cheque/cards anyway. If someone is still holding out against modern transaction methods, this is the opportunity to come out from under the rock.
For the poor who don’t have debit/credit cards, there might not be much impact either - as most of their transaction happen under Rs. 500.
A good question. There will be a GDP hit from the reduced spending along with lower economic activity in general. This is the time for the government to step up the spending and provide a stimulus package. I’m hoping that the government brings a 3–4 lakh crore rupee extra package gained from this exercise in the next budget. That can both compensate for the reduced private consumption and take India to the next stage of development.

It is an amazing opportunity for Modi that most other leaders didn’t get. A deflation and a potential revenue windfall. Now that the bank queues are getting to normal and public anger diminishing, it is time to think big. The 2016 budget proved to be among the best and time to step up the accelerator in 2017.
My wishlist:
Healthcare revamp. This is one area that the government has not invested as much as it should have. Time to fix this big hole. Let 2017 budget be the healthcare budget with an attempt to double the government’s current investments - with more preventive care, prenatal care and pediatric care.
Major incentives for organic farming of vegetables and fruits. Continue from where it was left in 2016 budget and multiply the incentives 10x. From greenhouses to better data and efficient irrigation, government can create healthy food clusters across the country. Fill the nation’s belly with healthy diet and you can comply both with Paris accord, improve earnings of farmers, modernize agriculture as well as placate the votebase that wants reduced beef consumption.
Safer tracks and better inter-city connectivity. Rather than more roads, government should pump up its railways and build clusters of new development around its stations.
Pump up tourism spending with a intensive Swachh Bharat campaign around major national monuments and ecosensitive regions. If domestic rich mean cannot spend, let us get more foreigners do that.
加速旅游业的建设!在主要的国家物质文化遗产和生态公园贯彻实施Swachh Bharat行动(该行动主要内容是大建厕所),如果国内的人不想掏钱进去方便,旅游的老外总还是要进的吧。
Goad Urjit for a steep interest rate cut as there is no fear of inflation. That will spur up new borrowings and investments. To reduce the impact on senior citizens, bring more teeth to the pension plan. In parallel, tighten up the loan requirements so that new NPAs are avoided.
Goad Urjit 可以将高不可攀的利率削减,而不用担心通货膨胀。这将刺激新的借贷和投资!减少老年人的负担,为社保基金注入更多的弹药。同时要严审贷款的要求!避免形成新的不良资产。~
We are getting the systems healthier with less illicit money and time to get the people healthier. The increased spending on this will have a chain effect that could lead to more economic activity and neutralize the deflation. Time for a New Deal.
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