暑假作业六年级答案 小学六年级下册英语暑假作业答案2015



  have English class have dinner play When…get up

  C A B C A C

  F T T F T

  6413752 uncle’s March When date

  C on B at A What B her B is

  A C A

  A B C A B

  C D B A

  spring…best do May…fifth

  D H A G B C F E


  Cat猫 to 到 bad坏的 too也 farm 农场

  P 36-39

  What are you doing? When do you go to school?

  What do you usually do on weekends? Is she playing games?

  B C C B C C C

  C E F H D

  Spring like your climb eat with Monday Chinese

  Mike is Amy’s good friend.

  He likes spring.

  Because she can swim with her parents in the swimming pool.

  No, she doesn’t.

  Yes, he can.

  B B C B C C B

  What’s…date…November…7th When…birthday like...autumn weekend…often

  Mother’s Day…an e-card…do housework…Good idea


  We usually take pictures in spring. Is Bill’s birthday in May?

  They are listening to music. What is the kangaroo doing?

  walking swimming eating fighting jumping sleeping

  A C A B

  B C C C A

  What’s…date hot…but at…homework have breakfast sleep..winter

  错 对 对 对 错 错

  B C A A

  books a computer…played got a basketball…I played it I’ve got a car. I bought it

暑假作业六年级答案 小学六年级下册英语暑假作业答案2015

  got a bike….I rode it I’ve got a CD. I watched

  B A C D C A


  heavy old old small cheap short warm cold bad short right white

  C B B C C

  What does Mike do on Sunday? Do you read books on the weekends?

  I visit my grandparents on Saturday.

  zhangPeng and Mike play football on Sunday.

  I clean the room and wash clothes in the afternoon.

  B C A BB

  problem cleaning kangaroo dancing washing

  The bears are taking chess.

  The cat is going fishing.

  The monkey is taking pictures.

  The bird is singing.

  What is that?

  The monkey is dancing.

  What are you doing?

  My grandma was a driver before.

  What did he have for dinner?

  Have you got the MaLiang videos?

  I sent you English books.

  The bag is heavy.

  B A B A A


  A D B B

  books Where library books stamp

  C A B E D


  buy Where Great Wall are

  B A B



  collecting stamps playing the violin riding a bike

  C C A C

  He likes doing…

  She usually does…


  B C B A

  It is next to the library. Where is the bookstore,please? It is on the right.

  Turn right at the school,then go straight..

  west of the school south of the school east of the cinema north of the hospital


  teacher doctor nurse policeman firemen driver worker farmer lawyer soldier business men writer actor actress singer dancer player

  teacher teach the students driver drive the car firemen help the people writer write the novels

  She is a doctor. No,she doesn’t. She goes to work by bike . His hobby is drawing.

  He is going to be a policeman.


  hamburger egg hot dog cake sandwich

  tea cola juice sprite coffee water milk

  coat sweater skirt shirt dress hat glove

  购物清单中可数名词要注意用复数或者是a ,an 加单数名词,不可像上面的单词单独使用

  have firecrackers wear new clothes Happy New Year

  give presents send cards have a big dinner together Merry Christmas


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8337271/604327462.html


2016四年级暑假作业 四年级语文暑假作业答案(人教版)

下面是由出国留学网整理的四年级语文暑假作业答案(人教版),答案仅供参考。P:5动物成语调虎离山 亡羊补牢 叶公好龙 鸡犬不宁守株待兔 打草惊蛇 兵荒马乱 抱头鼠窜狐假虎威 狼心狗肺P:7"可以清心也"几个字,读出句子。回文诗,怎么

2016四年级暑假作业 三年级语文暑假作业答案2016

   三年级语文暑假作业答案2016  P2  二 zēng hén lüè ái hé nèn  三 得失、吞吐、详略、攻守、是否、爱恨、进退、始终  四 1.天下谁人不识君 劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人  2.各显神通 孙悟空大闹

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