六一儿童节的来历 六一儿童节的来历(中英文)


  国际儿童节的设立,和发生在二战期间一次著名的屠杀--利迪策惨案有关。1942年6月12日,德国法西斯枪杀了捷克利迪策村16岁以上的男性公民 140余人和全部婴儿,并把妇女和90名儿童押往集中营。村里的房舍、建筑物均被烧毁,好端端的一个村庄就这样被德国法西斯给毁了。第二次世界大战结束后,世界各地经济萧条,成千上万的工人失业,过着饥寒交迫的生活。儿童的处境更糟,有的得了传染病,一批批地死去;有的则被迫当童工,受尽折磨,生活和生命得不到保障。为了悼念利迪策惨案和全世界所有在战争中死难的儿童,反对虐杀和毒害儿童,以及保障儿童权利,1949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科举行理事会议,各国代表愤怒地揭露了帝国主义分子和各国反动派残杀、毒害儿童的罪行。为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权 和受教育权,为了改善儿童的生活,会议决定以每年的6月1日为国际儿童节。当时的很多国家表示赞同,特别是社会主义国家。



  Establishment of the International Children's Day , and the occurrence of a famous during World War II massacre - Lidice tragedy related. June 12, 1942 , the German fascists shot Czech village of Lidice male citizens over the age of 16 , more than 140 people of all babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned, a village hey Germany and France and it was ruined . After World War II , the recession around the world, thousands of workers unemployed , the hungry live life . The worse the situation of children , and some had an infectious disease , died in droves ; others are forced to work as child labor, tortured life and life can not be guaranteed . To mourn the Lidice tragedy and all the world's children who lost their lives in the war , oppose murder and poisoning of children, and to protect the rights of children , in November 1949 , the International Federation of Democratic Women's Council Meeting held in Moscow , delegates angrily exposed the imperialists and reactionaries kill , poison crimes against children . In order to protect the world of children 's rights to survival , health and education , in order to improve the lives of children , it was decided in the annual June 1 International Children's Day. Many countries agreed at the time , especially the socialist countries.

  Many countries will be June 1 as the festival of children , especially in the socialist countries. In western countries, Children's Day dates vary, often with little celebrations of the public . So it was misunderstood as only socialist country before the June 1 as the International Children's Day.

  In order to protect the interests of the world's children , in November 1949 , the International Federation of Democratic Women's Executive Committee decided to convene in Moscow on June 1 of each year as the International Children's Day . After the founding of New China , the Central People's Government Administration Council on December 23, 1949 regulations, the China Children's Day and International Children's Day unified.

六一儿童节的来历 六一儿童节的来历(中英文)

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六一儿童节的来历 六一儿童节的商机

 距离“六一”儿童节还有近半个月,记者在走访了中闽百汇、女人街、南昌路等多家儿童用品专卖店却发现,不少商家都已开始预热“儿童经济”,各种促销活动遍地开花:童装、玩具、图书竞相上场角逐,努力吸引儿童和家长的眼球。   夏季童

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