I'm a princess cut from marble, smoother than a storm
我乃千锤万凿出落的公主 静若风暴将骤
And the scars that mark my body, they're silver and gold
几经疤痕磨砺的身躯 彰显炫目的荣耀
My blood is a flood of rubies, precious stones
血脉涌动着伟绩 倒映着宝石的猩红
It keeps my veins hot, the fires find a home in me
让我血脉喷张 蓄存这暴怒烈焰的身体
I move through town, I'm quiet like a fire
穿过小小村庄 沉静如若血战将临
And my necklace is of rope, I tie it and untie
捧起套索挽成项带 拥戴或不戴
And our people talk to me, but nothing ever hits
当人谈起我的事迹 未见有人一语中的
So people talk to me, and all the voices just burn holes
人群响起我的非议 一切声音都焚尽声息
I'm done with it (ooh)
This is the start of how it all ends
神话伊始 诉着上一传奇
They used to shout my name, now they whisper it
曾呼我名者 如今只敢低语
I'm speeding up and this is the
我纵横天下 只见得
Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
朱耀赤橙 闪烁玄黄 击动吾心
We're at the start, the colors disappear
从共同坚信的 如今黯然失色

I never watch the stars there's so much down here
未见过群星当空 如今都陨落我手边
So I just try to keep up with them
我只尽力 紧握着那残存的光
Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
残血 夕暮 余焰 烧灼吾心
I dream all year, but they're not the same kinds
我终年耕于美梦 但现实未结出善果
And the shivers move down my shoulder blades in double time
碎刃随着肩而下 我屡次的鲜血流淌
And now people talk to me I'm slipping out of reach now
世人进谏谗言 我向着荒途而逃
People talk to me, and all their faces blur
他们谄媚荒谈 面容早已辨别不能
But I got my fingers laced together and I made a little prison
现在就让牢笼四兴而起 就像我交织着的十指
And I'm locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me
曾经对我所有的指手画脚 终将令其身陷囹圄
I'm done with it (ooh)
This is the start of how it all ends
神话伊始 诉着上一传奇
They used to shout my name, now they whisper it
曾呼我名者 如今只敢低语
I'm speeding up and this is the
我纵横天下 只见得
Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
残血 夕暮 余焰 烧灼吾心
We're at the start, the colors disappear
从共同坚信的 如今黯然失色
I never watch the stars there's so much down here
未见过群星当空 如今都陨落我手边
So I just try to keep up with them
我只尽力 紧握着那残存的光
Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
沸血 炽阳 烈焰 在胸中熊熊燃起
And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat
残血 夕暮 余焰
Sparking up my heart
And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat-beat-beat-beat
沸血 炽阳 烈焰 熊熊燃起
新西兰女孩 Ella Yelich-O'Connor 在 12 岁那年因为一场学校才艺演出引起唱片公司注意,2012 年,16 岁的 Ella 化名为 Lorde,发表首张 EP《The Love Club》,共同携手创作的幕后制作人 Joel Little 过去是新西兰乐团 Goodnight Nurse 主唱。