stardust mika 莫文蔚 Mika/莫文蔚《Stardust》歌词

  Stardust - Mika/莫文蔚

  Written by:Benassi Alessandro/Benassi Marco/Hector Wayne/Penniman Michael

  Mika:I could be staring at somebody new

  Stuck in my head is a picture of you

  You are the thunder I was the rain

  I wanna know if I'll see you again

  莫:I said I love you you said goodbye

  Everything changes in the blink of an eye

  It's been a while I still carry the flame

  I wanna know if I'll see you again

  Both:See you again see you again

  Want you to know what you mean to me

  What will it take take you to see

  莫:I could put in a stardust in your eyes

  Mika:Put a little sunshine in your life

  莫:Give me a little heart to feel the same

stardust mika 莫文蔚 Mika/莫文蔚《Stardust》歌词

  Mika:And I wanna know if I'll see you again

  莫:If I'll see you again

  Mika:I've seen that before cause you're not even there

  I m writing this song and you don't even care

  莫:Throw me a lifeline and open my door

  And pick up my heart that you left on the floor

  Both:On the floor on the floor

  Want you to know what you mean to me

  What will it take take you to see

  莫:I could put in a stardust in your eyes

  Mika:Put a little sunshine in your life

  莫:Give me a little heart to feel the same

  Both:And I wanna know if I'll see you again

  Funny how the time goes rushing by

  And all the little things we leave behind

  But even any other thing I do

  Is a little bit of me a little bit of you

  莫:When will I see you again

  Mika:When will I see you again


  Mika:When will I see you again

  Both:When will I see you again

  I could put in a stardust in your eyes

  Put a little sunshine in your life

  Give me a little heart to feel the same

  And I wanna know if I'll see you again

  See you again

  Mika:I'll see you again


  Mika:When will I see you again




  原名Micheal Holbrook Penniman 1983年8月18日生于黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特一个美黎联姻的家庭(他的父亲是美国人,母亲是黎巴嫩人)。因为战乱,Mika一家不得不在Mika十分小的时候带他逃离黎巴嫩,幼年时期随着家人辗转巴黎,他9岁时,全家才在伦敦定居下来。 经过了那段充满迷惑和巨变的时光,Mika变得十分内向,9岁时曾一度辍学,也正是从那时起他选择了音乐来给予他庇护。


  (Karen Joy Morris,艺名Karen Mok),混血儿,香港歌手和演员,是歌、影、视的三栖艺人。 1993年发行首张粤语唱片《karen莫文蔚》进入娱乐圈;1995年主演电影《大话西游》获得广泛关注。1996年凭借电影《堕落天使》获得香港电影金像奖最佳女配角奖。1997年莫文蔚在台湾推出首张国语唱片《做自己》,专辑卖出80多万张,主打歌《他不爱我》成为其代表作之一;1999年被香港时装设计师协会评为香港十大杰出衣着人士;2000年被《君子杂志》评选为“我们最喜欢的女性”;截至2013年共发行30多张专辑,参演50多部电影,举行过30多场个人演唱会;2008年代表香港参与韩国第五届亚洲音乐节,并获颁亚洲最佳女歌手奖(中国),2011年凭借专辑《宝贝》夺得台湾金曲奖最佳国语女歌手奖。2013年,莫文蔚发行首张英语爵士专辑“Somewhere I Belong”,成为首位itunes全球同步发行的华人歌手。 2014年9月19日,莫文蔚在沪举办2014“莫后年代”莫文蔚20周年世界巡回演唱会-安可场,而此次场地选址上海大舞台。 2015年2月18日莫文蔚登上中央电视台春节联欢晚会,独唱歌曲《当你老了》。


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国外互联网电影数据库(IMDB)观众评分 8.4我对这部电影的评级:电影《莫扎特传》(Amadeus)(1984):影片开始于1823年,一名叫萨里耶利(Salieri)的男子,企图自杀,而他的喉咙大声乞求莫扎特的宽恕。他被送到一个疯人院,一个年轻的牧师访问

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