2015年6月六级听力真题 2015年12月英语六级听力答案


  1. B. The dressing makes themixed salad very inviting.

  2. B. He is opening a newconsulting firm.

  3. B. The man may find thesupplies in the cabinet.

  4. D. He has to use amagnifying glass to see clearly.

  5. C. Redecorating heroffice.

  6. A. Shortage of containerships.

  7. A. Acolleague.

2015年6月六级听力真题 2015年12月英语六级听力答案

  8. C. Hold the banquet at a differentplace.



  9. D. He often goes backhome late for dinner.

  10. B. To discuss an urgentproblem.

  11. C. There is a sharpincrease in India's balance of payment deficit.


  12. D. They have unrealisticexpectations about the other half.

  13. A. He is lucky to beable to do what he loves.

  14. B. It is allglamour.

  15. A.Amazed.


  Passage One

  16. B. Follow closely the fast development oftechnology.

  17. B. What type of personnel the team should becomposed of.

  18. D. A team manager should develop a certainset skills.

  Passage Two

  19. A. It is a program allowing people to shareinformation on the Web.

  20. B. He met with an entrepreneur named JimClark.

  21. B. They had confidence in his newideas.

  Passage Three

  22. A. Word-of-mouthadvertising.

  23. D. To build up theirreputation.

  24. D. By using the servicesof large advertising agencies.

  25. C. Pre-test alternative ads or commercialsin certain regions.


  26. eternal

  27. diminishing

  28. absolute

  29. succeed

  30. on a vast scale

  31. As regards

  32. used up

  33. disposing

  34. modification

  35. magnitude



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/8838271/139158708.html


2013年6月15日六级写作真题及参考范文 六级写作范文

写的比较仓促,主要是向大家演示如何使用谚语警句型模板。其中个别语句可能略显牵强,例证略显简单。不过这些范文即便得不到满分,也可以得到比较高的分数。以后有时间还可能奉上混合模板写法或无模板写法。1.Directions: For this part

新HSK4级真题12010年3月考试 听力材料及答案 hsk听力真题

听力材料 (音乐,30秒,渐弱) 大家好!欢迎参加HSK(四级)考试。大家好!欢迎参加HSK(四级)考试。大家好!欢迎参加HSK(四级)考试。HSK(四级)听力考试分三部分,共45题。请大家注意,听力考试现在开始。 第一部分 一共10个题,每题听一次。例如:我想去

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