The First Steps to Take to Start a New Business
In any type of economy, there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs to go into business for themselves. Recent Bureau of Labor Statistics show that about 71 percent of future employment will come from small businesses. The following areas are likely to thrive for small businesses:
1.Career counseling
3.Computer and Office Machine Repair
4.Day Care
5.Educational Services and Products
6.Financial Planning

7.Home Health Care
8.Marketing, promotion, and public relations
9.Senior Fitness and recreation
10.Specialized delivery services
First, you want to be sure that you have the characteristics that make an entrepreneur. If, after your self-analysis, you determine that you do want to start a small business, then the first step you must take is proper planning。
The First Steps to Start a New Business
1.Identify a Product or Service That is Needed in the Marketplace。
The list of products and services that are needed in the marketplace is unlimited. You may have a dream that you’ve had for years about an invention. You may have a new idea about a current, or old, product or service that can be used in a new way. You may have a talent that you want to use to start your business. Any of these ideas will work。
What you have to do is find a niche for your product or service. A niche is a small, but profitable, segment of the market where there is demand for your product. The Small Business Administration has a Small Business Startup Kit that can help you focus on factors you should consider。
Finding a niche requires marketing research. You have to realize that your small business can’t be all things to all people. Even large companies find a niche for their products. Let’s take Wal-Mart, for example. Their niche is bargain-minded customers. You have to analyze your product and figure out what type of customer you should market it to. The trend is to make your niche small. Instead of marketing to the familiar 18-49 age group, you want to identify a more specific group。
After doing your market research, you should be able to realistically determine the potential of this business and whether it a realistic expectation that you can reach it? Another important question to answer is whether you will enjoy the business and if you are willing to do the hard work and put in the long hours necessary to achieve success。