谨以此书深情怀念爱丽丝8226;布里特8226;考尔德维尔(1943—2007)杰拉德8226;A. 恩布里(1941—2008)致中国读者My coauthors and I are honored to know that Who Killed Change? is being published in China. The fact is, no matter where you live in the world, change is occurring more rapidly than ever before. Every day, managers and leaders must cope with an onslaught of changes as they attempt to keep their organizations healthy and viable. Implementing or adapting to these changes is hard work. Fortunately, leaders can help their people and organizations survive and even thrive in the midst of all this change. But first they have to understand the reasons why people and organizations fail to change. We hope this little murder mystery will help you see those pitfalls and at the same time learn how to make change succeed. We’ve included a section at the back of the book that gives you best practices and an action plan for implementing a successful change.

We all must learn to adapt and grow with change. We hope this book not only entertains you, but also inspires you and your team to make your organization—and the world—a better place. |www.aihuau.com|34Ken Blanchard Co-author of The One Minute Manager 听说《谁谋杀了变革先生》即将在中国出版,约翰8226;布里特、贾德8226;霍克斯特朗、帕特8226;茨格米和我感到非常高兴。无论身在何处的人们都会发现,这个世界正以前所未有的速度发生着急剧的变化。每天,管理者和领导者都必须应付变革带来的冲击,他们努力地维持其组织的健康和生命力。而适应这些变革,则是艰苦的工作。幸运的是,在变革之中,领导者可以帮助他们组织及其员工求得生存、谋得发展。但首先他们必须明白为何组织会变革失败。我们希望这个“变革先生”谋杀案能帮助你看到变革过程中存在的问题,同时为了让你掌握组织成功变革的方法,本书最后还附有详细的、可操作的变革指南。我们都必须适应变革在变革中成长。我们希望这本书不仅让你获得阅读的乐趣,同时也能激发你和你的团队,让你的组织兴旺发达,让世界变得更美好。肯8226;布兰佳《一分钟经理人》合著者