
There are also other dances besides Homecoming. There is a sweetheart dance, in which students bring a boy they like to the dance. There is a Junior Ring Dance that follows/comes after Ring tying and Ring ceremony. As a Junior, the 11th grade students receive a graduation ring as a reminder of coming to the high school. It is an American tradition for this ring to be given to graduating students. In the final year of high school, 12th grade, Seniors have a special dance called Prom. At that Prom, the girls have to wear long gowns, get their hair fixed fancy,and wear make up while the boys wear fancy suits called tuxedos. This is the last dance at the school that the seniors will have before graduation,and for some the last time to be with their friends in a manner such as this. Typically,there is a party afterwards that the students and their dates go to." 后来圣诞节的时候,我正在我的host family家过节,打开电脑,又收到了考特妮的一封信,考特妮说: 嘿,艾玛!!! 我前几天刚刚到家。我就想起了你。我家里凡是知道你的人全都问起了你。我的妈妈很想你。我们家又有了一只比Zoe更大的狗。我们还是养着Zoe,但是这只新狗被看成是戴维先生的狗,它住在后园子里。Zoe不喜欢这只叫汉克的新狗。我希望你非常地好。也许某个周末我们应该聚一下,或是看望对方,或是拜访对方,或是一起聊天,或是仅仅放松一下都行。 祝你好运,并祝你圣诞快乐! 考特妮 它将永远伴随着友谊之光,在我的记忆里永不老去。 我的第一个圣诞节 安静的夜,神圣的夜 一切都宁静,一切都明耀 圣洁的母亲和孩子围绕在你身边 圣洁的雪花是那么轻柔和湿润 在天堂般的宁静中睡吧 在天堂般的宁静中睡吧 以前看《小妇人》时,马奇一家过圣诞节,梅格、乔、艾米和贝丝从小镇上买完礼物回来,雪刚刚停下,天很黑了,从房子里洒出柔和的、橘黄色的灯光,四个姐妹手挽手,身后是盛装的圣诞树,上面的小天使和铃铛熠熠发光,一家人便围在一起唱赞美诗了。里面有一首歌是从那时就背下来的,叫做 It came up on the midnight clear(《在宁静的午夜来临》),到现在更是不能忘,因为圣诞节是要唱的