第四节简历写作入门经No.3--英文简历写作 简历是企业测评求职者能力的第一媒介,许多企业要求求职者在投递中文简历的同时也要提交英文简历,目的无非是想对求职者的英语能力进行初步评估。其实制作英文简历并不是一件很复杂困难的事情,本章的内容就是向大家介绍英文简历的制作技巧。对此,我们将从英文简历制作原则与具体范例入手进行讲解,并在章节最后为大家准备了各类简历常用的英文词汇,以便大家制作英文简历时选用。 一、原则是统领--英文简历写作原则 1.汉译英--原文翻译原则 企业对简历的评价标准不会因为语言的差异而产生变化。如果你已经依照前文要求准备好一份中文简历,准备英文简历的步骤将十分简单--制作中文简历,之后按原文翻译。 2.一切从简--单词优先原则 为了满足关键词筛选的要求,简历中的英语并不需要十分地道,也无须故意展示复杂的句型及语法结构。与中文简历一样,"简单句"、"关键词"就足以让你完成一份完美的英文简历了。对于语法,也十分简单,过去的事使用一般过去时,正在进行的事,用一般现在时或现在进行时。 二、范例是老师--英文简历范文及点评 ××(××) Room***,Building**,Peking University, PRC·Cell:(86)138*-***-**** Tel:(86-10)****-**** E-mail:[email protected] EDUCATION 09/2004-07/2008PEKING UNIVERSITYBEIJING BachelorofEconomics,SchoolofEconomics(GPA 3.15/4.0,AverageScorewas 82) Double bachelor degree of Mathematics, School of Mathematics Honors: National scholarship

WORKING EXPERIENCE 07/2007-08/2007×× CONSULTING ORGANIZATION, InternBEIJING UK‘s famous consulting company which has 42 years history Responsibilities Assisted the CEO of China to develop ×× business in China and took part in the meetings with clients Responsible for managing company‘s relationship with important clients (China Post and Sony Ericsson) Completed the report on competition situation China Post was facing and compared it with it‘s main international competitors (FedEx, UPS, TNT, DHL) Collected the data and information of automobile industry, wrote summary and handed it to the CEO Designed the questionnaire on the domestic corporations‘ demand of consulting service 06/2007-07/2007×× INSURANCECORPORATION,InternBEIJING Responsibilities Assisted to research the core business partner‘s risk (Electrolux and Watanmal group) Analyzed domestic LCD market and collected the information of main manufacturers (Samsung, LG-Philips, AUO, CHIMEI, BOE and SVA-NEC) Helped my colleagues to update and edit the National Risk Analysis Report 07/2006-08/2006×× FINANCIAL & INSURANCE GROUP, InternBEIJING Top 5 Financial & Insurance Group in China Responsibilities/Achievements Won Outstanding Prize of summer interns and led my team to rank 1st during the training program Received intense training on communication, presentation, teamwork, time management etc Finished a Market Research on E-learning in financial industry and wrote report of setting up the net platform Set up Taikang Network-based university, selected 600+pieces of information as teaching materials in 4 days