C1Wyse是专为年青,有素质的淑女而制做的品牌,体现女人自信且美丽多变,时尚&休闲兼融的设计,恰到好处地表现了现代人崇尚个性、自然、不张扬的审美趋向,让更多喜欢时尚的女士有了释放自己的空间. 说到A的延生不能不提“Info”这个以Season为首的时尚家族。为时尚而工作了半个世纪,一直为“时尚”默默的贡献着而C1Wyse就是她积聚了几十年的精髓所在,品牌的延生灵感也来源于她多年的自身的穿衣心得,也正是因为有“店铺如自家衣柜”一样贴心的想法,于是就有了1988年打开的美国市场,背后也形成了一条完整的生产线,为之后成长的几年作好充实的根基,而为了把这个“衣柜”推崇给更多的普通人,所以她决心打造一个普通人的时尚品牌,现在就用她那狂热的态度,像风一样从美国卷进了中国. C1Wyse是贴近生活的品牌,她知道你每天不同角色的选择,并以简洁、利索、高品位的形象深入人心;她追求完美的形象搭配,演示着女性应该有的百搭形象;每一季货品的颜色也是直奔主题,为顾客贴心考虑;不同的心情应该有不一样的选择,各类精致的配饰更是各大消费者装扮自己的必备。
让每一位女性朋友在店铺中找到适合自己的“时尚”是C1Wyse宗旨! 让每一位女性朋友都时尚起来,是C1Wyse的使命! Background: Originally founded in Los Angeles, C1-WYSE was designed to bring European and American sophisticated fashion to Chinese women who are young, educated and love fashion. C1 means “Class One”. It represents our commitment to quality and craftsmanship. We are devoted to delivering the best-in-class products to fashion lovers. WYSE is the variant spelling of Wise. It symbolizes the image of a great thinker, who can offer good advice and sound judgment based on a deep understanding and experience of life. Our design team has more than 20 years experience in the apparel industry. Under the guidance of our brand, our followers will be on top of the fashion trends all the time. C1-WYSE’s vision is to be known for its stylish designs,dresses, use of fine materials, and affordable prices. Our goal is to make sure everyone who wears C1-WYSE will elegantly stand out from the crowd. In 2009, C1-WYSE opened it first store in China. We have plans to open up other stores in…