《中国电子报》由信息产业部主管,中国电子报社主办,隶属于中国电子信息产业发展研究院(CCID),是具有机关报职能的电子信息产业行业报。《中国电子报》立足电子信息产业,突出产业链优势,以新闻+专题+专辑的形式,报道范围贯通电子信息产业完整价值链,并深入到电子信息技术和产品的众多应用领域,为读者和客户提供权威资讯和实用解决方案。 《中国电子报》每周出版两期,分别在每周二、周四出版。 周二日常出版20个版,主要由新闻和通信、IT、基础电子等板块构成。面向各级政府主管部门;通信运营企业、制造企业和增值服务企业;IT产品制造企业、软件企业及信息技术应用部门;半导体、材料设备元器件制造企业及相关设计、流通企业;汽车制造企业和汽车电子产品制造企业。 周四日常出版12个版,主要由新闻和家电板块构成。面向各级政府主管部门、家电制造及家电材料和零部件制造企业、家电流通企业和市场。 在遵循内容为王的基础上,《中国电子报》充分利用自身拥有的政府资源、行业资源、专家资源和读者资源,围绕产业热点和市场趋势,定期举办综合性市场或专题研讨活动。 《中国电子报》以读者为中心,以市场为导向,以产业为依托,以客户为伙伴,倡导“个性化发行服务”理念,具有权威性、综合性、实用性 Established in 1984, directed by the Ministry of Information Industry(MII), China Electronics News Agency (CENA) is an authoritative news agency in China‘s electronics information industry. At present, China Electronics News (CEN) has already formed an integrated marketing and transmitting system involving in newspaper publishing, network platform, meetings and activities. China Electronics News is an organ for MII. The content covers industry news, basic electronics, consumer electronics, IT & informationization, telecommunication & information service. The website(www.cena.com.cn)is trying to become the top website in electronics information industry based on the extensive covering and editing resources and correspondents all over the country of China Electronics News. At present, the website has just finished the service functions like the E-paper service of CEN, information datebase,etc.

In order to promote the coordinated development of the industrial chain, China Electronics News organizes major conferences and activities of the industry every year such as "China Consumer Electronics Annual Conference", "China Green Manufacturing Annual Conference", "China Semi-conductor Industry Annual Conference" and "China Electronics Information Technology Annual Conference" and holds front-edge technology forums in cooperation with cities like Qingdao, Ningbo and Shunde. China Electronics News now has a expert type news reporting and editing team consisting mainly of postgraduates with Master degree and university graduates, with stationed reporters all over the country. Among more than 80 reporters and editors in headquarters of news agency, there are 18 senior editors and reporters with working experiences of over 20 years, and nearly 30 reporters with more than 10 years of working experiences and certain industry influencing power. Many reporters have been awarded "China News Award” or "Good News Award of Chinese Industry Economy". China Electronics News will insist on the principle of "based on the information industry,serving the complete industrial chain ", and theory of "knowing the whole industry from CEN in hand", It will strengthen the service and support for government, industry and enterprises, accelerate the digitalization transition, making great efforts to become an authoritative and influential media flagship.