掌上财富7.0博易大师 2008年3月7日财富箴言

 掌上财富7.0博易大师 2008年3月7日财富箴言


   1. Leading a company is like parenting: it’s one long process of puling back and letting it become its own organism. You have to make sure you have created an organization that is able to operate with or without you.


    ——《The Knot》杂志创始人卡利8226;罗尼谈领导力

    2. Taking yourself too seriously is the worst thing you can do. That’s especially true with new leaders. They’re in the spotlight and feel as if they always need to have the right answer to protect their image. But, really, you just have to be proud of who you are naturally.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/9101032201/314870.html


转发2011年3月11日,日本发生9.0级大地震 北京会不会发生大地震


箴言书28章君王的财富 2008年3月31日财富箴言

系列专题:2008中国营销   1. They (employees) have to feel the rewards that go with winning, in the soul well as in the wallet.     他们(员工)必须感受到与取胜相伴的奖赏——无论是从精神上,还是在口袋里。    —

箴言书28章君王的财富 2008年3月27日财富箴言

系列专题:2008中国营销   1. I spend a lot of time reading about technology breakthroughs and thinking and thinking about the ways they can enable great new software.     我花大量时间阅读技术突破方面的内容,思考

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