




  褚时健使红塔山成为中国名牌,他领导的企业累计为国家上缴利税数以千亿计,他以战略性的眼光,强化资源优势,抓住烟草行业发展的机遇,使玉溪卷烟厂脱颖而出,成为中国烟草大王,地方财政支柱。但是企业家激励机制与监督体制的不健全葬送了他的政治和职业生命。1995年2月,一封匿名检举信指控玉溪卷烟厂厂长褚时健贪污受贿。1999年1月9日,褚时健被处无期徒刑、剥夺政治权利终身。褚时健被判后减刑为有期徒刑17年。2002年春节办理保外就医。 在褚时健效力红塔的18年中,为国家创造的利税高达991亿,加上红塔山的品牌价值400多亿(其他品牌价值没有评估),他为国家贡献的利税至少有1400亿。而他的工资,不到人民币1000元/月,出现了“庙富方丈穷”的现象。





  1. 价值观的转变——在计划经济年代,人们都是企业的主人,特别是国有企业,各种福利待遇都在统一的模式下运行,人们过着按部就班的生活,工作是为国家、为人民而工作,企业生产的目标是满足国家和人民的物质需求,改革开放以来,我国完成了从计划经济到市场经济的转变,企业和政府脱离,企业开始走向市场自负盈亏,企业的经营目标也从计划经济时期按计划生产转向了以盈利为目的,按市场需求而生产。同时国家对民营经济也从限制转为鼓励,涌现出一大批优秀的民营企业,越来越多的人加入民营资本市场,公民的个人财富都飞速增长。在这个转形时期,人们的思想意识、价值观、人生观和对社会的责任感都发生了极大的变化,传统的“为人民服务”思想被“向钱看”的思想所取代,物质的诱惑,私欲的膨胀使人们更加现实、更加追求个人财富和物质享受,有人钻法律漏洞获取不义之财,而一些有权势的人就心理不平衡,开始滥用人民给予的权力为自己牟取私利,出现了大量的腐败案,这一切归根结底都是人们意识形态的转变,人生观和价值观转变的结果。 

  2. 监督不力—— 计划经济已经转向了市场经济,体制变了,人们的观念变了,企业的角色也变了,而相应的有些政策和法律则显得滞后和多变,有些根深蒂固的东西还没有退去,政府从企业领导地位退出,企业应该按照公司法规定建立完善的组织架构,并各司其职,企业的股东会是最高权力机构,企业的董事会是企业的执行机构,监事会负责对董事会的监督,而现实中的股东会和监事会形同虚设,董事会几乎成了无人监管的最高权力机关,董事长更是一手遮天,惟我独尊,褚时健的下属对其称呼都是“老板”,“老爷子”,可见其在企业中享受的帝王般的待遇。 

  3. 分配和激励制度的影响——计划经济时期,分配的制度看似公平合理的,然而却严重制约了经济的发展,降低了人们的工作效率,阻碍了社会的进步。改革开放以来,农业的改革,允许农民对土地承包经营,农民种田有了积极性,产量大幅提升,使我国大部分农民解决了温饱问题,有些地区还实现了小康生活;邓小平“让一部分人先富起来”的经济理论使私营经济得到飞速发展,大量的民营资本投入到商业和制造业中,民营资本为社会的发展作出了巨大的贡献,民营业主也从中获得丰厚的利润,实现了资本积累,出现了大批民间富豪;作为主导经济的国有企业改革却是举步维艰,在摸索中前进,效果却并未象预想的有效,国企改革也成了个沉重的话题,先是政企分离,让企业自主经营,接着是破产重组,到后来的股份制改造,国企改革的步伐差别很大,不同企业里职工的待遇也参差不齐,作为企业的领导层收入更是有很大差别,一些上市公司(比如科龙)的老总在企业严重亏损的情况下年薪可拿到几百万,TCL老总李东升资产则高达12亿人民币,相反象红塔集团年上交利税百亿元的企业老总褚时建18年收入不足百万,而类似规模的国外企业年薪则也远远高于这个水平,1996年,美国可口可乐公司总裁的收入为885万美元,,外加2500万美元购股权;迪斯尼公司总裁年收入是850万美元,外加1.96亿美元的购股权。如果按照这样的比例,红塔集团的销售总额距离世界500强并不遥远,作为红塔集团的最高管理者,褚时健所应得到的报酬要远远超过170万美元。个人收入的巨大差异使他心理严重不平衡,认为作出的贡献没有得到回报。然而,天网恢恢,疏而不漏,褚时建这一步偏离了跑道,滑出的太远,付出了自己一生的代价。 

  4. 社会评价不一 —红塔集团的很多人认为,褚时健是在不该拿钱的时候,拿了他应该拿的钱。经济学家晏智杰说:“我们为失去这样一位优秀的经营管理者而惋惜。”怀有这种心情的人绝不在少数。香港中文大学郎咸平教授则认为,是国家给了褚时建一个成功的平台,国家也给了他应有的报酬和荣誉,他只是为国家打工的一个职业经理人,而他自己则把自己当主人,自己没有把位子摆正。定位不正确,这是郎教授的观点。









  王石感慨地说:“我非常受启发。褚时健居然承包了2000多亩地种橙子。橙子挂果要6年,他那时已经75岁了。你想象一下,一个75岁的老人,戴一个大墨镜,穿着破圆领衫,兴致勃勃的跟我谈论橙子挂果是什么情景。 2000多亩(2400亩)橙园和当地的村寨结合起来,带有扶贫的性质,而且是环保生态。虽然他境况不佳,但他作为企业家的胸怀呼之欲出。我当时就想,如果我遇到他那样的挫折、到了他那个年纪,我会想什么?我知道,我一定不会像他那样勇敢。 ”










  Marketing Psychology Study Series (b) when the various groups in Yunnan Hongta health: the allocation of incentives is the key    

  Authors: Zhang Jing-hong 

  Time: Second Sunday, April 19 nine-OO 

  Location: Shanghai Office 

  Theme: Management Essay 

  ID: SN_JJYLS_ZJH_20090419002_08GL 

  Motto: Department inaction things, the words not taught 


  Another topic of marketing psychology is bound to cooperate in the interests of, the interests of distribution systems. In particular, today 80% of China‘s SMEs is crucial. Here we share some may not be profound, for informational purposes only. 

  A, Yunnan Hongta Group all cases when the health 

  Chu Jian of China‘s most controversial when the financial figures of one, who is China‘s famous "king of Chinese tobacco." 

  In 1928, when Chu Kin was born in a peasant family. Participated in the guerrilla liberation. In 1955 when 27-year-old served as the Chief of Personnel in Yuxi prefecture region. 1958 was labeled as "rightists." In October 1979, the then 51-year-old director of the Yuxi Cigarette Factory. Chu Kin in 1990 when the country was awarded the honor outstanding entrepreneurs Award "Golden Globe Awards." In 1994, when Chu Kin was named National "Man of the top ten of reform", reached the pinnacle of his life. 

  When Chu Kin Hongtashan become so famous, he led the national aggregate corporate profits and taxes turned over hundreds of billions of dollars, his strategic vision to strengthen the resources, to seize opportunities in the development of the tobacco industry to come to the fore in Yuxi Cigarette Factory, China‘s tobacco King, local financial pillar. However, entrepreneurs with an incentive mechanism is inadequate supervisory system put an end to his political and professional life. In February 1995, an anonymous letter to report allegations of Yuxi Cigarette Factory, when Chu Kin corruption. January 9, 1999, when Chu Kin sentenced to life imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for life. When Chu Kin was commuted to prison after 17 years. Spring Festival in 2002 for medical treatment. Chu Kin in effect when the 18-year Hongta, in order to create the profits and taxes of up to 99.1 billion, together with the Hongtashan of more than 400 million brand value (not assessed value of other brands), he contributed to the profits and taxes for the country at least 140 billion. And his wages, less than 1,000 yuan / month, there has been "rich temple abbot poor" phenomenon. 

  In 1997, when Chu Kin with the run-down areas into a small factory to create nearly a thousand billion profits of tobacco companies in Asia glory, and sentenced to life imprisonment in his capacity as head sadly left Hongta 18 years. 

  Chu Kin in the period when he created the Hongta Empire. Hongtashan "created a number of millionaires, the number of people who solved the food problem" has several uncountable. For this reason, many people, when Chu Kin against injustice suffered in his later years. 

  Psychology from the marketing (which can be extended to the management of areas of psychology) when Chu Kin on the analysis of corruption: 

  Although led by Chu Kin Hongta Group at all the way through the brilliant, but when Chu Kin-corruption groups in the annals of Hongta left an indelible memory, but also when Kin Chu brought their pain forever. Today, we have to think, why a good prisoner will become entrepreneurs? And why was their innocence and it was good? It has been carried out to explore the following: 1. Changes in values - in the era of planned economy, people are the masters of enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises, a variety of benefits in a unified mode of operation, the lives of people living a step by step, work is for the country, work for the people , the goal of production is to meet the national and people‘s material needs, reform and opening up, China completed its transition from a planned economy to a market economy, from business and government, enterprises began to market a self-financing, the goal of corporate management from a planned economy time shifted by the planned production for profit, according to market demand and production. At the same time, the state‘s private economy from restrictions to encourage, the emergence of a large number of private enterprises, more and more people to join the private capital markets, citizens have the rapid growth of personal wealth. In this period of transformation, people‘s ideology, values, outlook on life and social responsibility are of great changes have taken place, the traditional "people" thinking being "money" and replaced by the temptation of material , the expansion of selfish desire to make people more realistic, more the pursuit of personal wealth and material enjoyment, some people take advantage of loopholes to obtain ill-gotten gains, and some powerful people on the psychological imbalance, people started to abuse the power for their own personal gain, there a large number of corruption cases, which are all ultimately change people‘s ideology, and values of life-changing results. 

  2. Ineffective oversight - a planned economy towards a market economy has, the system has changed, people‘s attitudes have changed, the role of business have changed, and some of the corresponding policies and laws, and changing it is lagging behind, some deep-rooted things that have not yet receded Government withdrawal from the enterprise leadership, business should be in accordance with the Companies Act provides for the establishment of a sound organizational structure, and perform their respective duties, corporate shareholders will be the highest authority, the board of directors of enterprises is the executing agency, the board of supervisors is responsible for the supervision of the Board of Directors , and the reality of the shareholders and board of supervisors will be strictly enforced, and the Board of Trustees of the lack of supervision has become the highest organ of state power, is chairman of the board like “Yiyantang”, Exclusive, Chu Kin subordinates when their name is "the boss", "Father" can be seen in the enterprises to enjoy the treatment as the emperor.

  3. Distribution and the impact of incentive systems - a planned economy period, the distribution of the system seems fair and reasonable, but it has seriously hampered economic development and reduce the people‘s work efficiency and hindered social progress. Since reform and opening up the reform of agriculture, allowing farmers to land contractual management, farming has been the enthusiasm of farmers, increase production, so that the majority of farmers in China to solve the problem of food and clothing, and in some areas have also achieved a well-off life; Deng Xiaoping, "Let some people rich up "economic theory so that the rapid development of private economy, a large number of private capital into the business and the manufacturing sector, the private capital for social development has made tremendous contributions to, private property owners also gain huge profits, the achievement of the capital accumulation, for a large number of rich people; as a leading state-owned enterprise reform, the economy is difficult, in groping forward, the effect has not been effective, as expected, state-owned enterprise reform has become a heavy topic, first separating government and enterprises so that enterprises make their own decisions , followed by bankruptcy reorganization, to the later joint-stock reform of state-owned enterprises reform vary greatly, different enterprises uneven treatment of workers, as business income of the leadership is very different, a number of listed companies (such as Section Long) of the CEOs in the business case of a serious loss to get millions of annual salary, TCL executives Li Dongsheng assets as high as 12 billion yuan as the opposite Hongta group tens of billions of dollars in profits and taxes turned over to corporate executives when Chu Jian million earning less than 18 years, and a similar scale in the annual salary of foreign enterprises are also much higher than this level in 1996, the United States, president of Coca-Cola‘s revenue for the 8.85 million U.S. dollars, 25 m!

  illion U

  .S. dollars to purchase additional shares; Disney CEO income is 8.5 million U.S. dollars, plus 1 .96 million share options. If such a ratio of total sales Hongta groups from the world‘s top 500 is not far away, as the highest Hongta Group managers, Chu Jian of the time the reward should be much more than 1.7 million U.S. dollars. The great differences in personal income to enable him serious psychological imbalance that contribution has not been returned. However, Chu Jian this step when a departure from the runway, skidded off too far and paid a price for their life. 

  4. With different community - Hongta Group Many people think that when Chu Jian is not the time to spend money, took the money he should get. Yanzhijie economist said: "We as the loss of such an outstanding managers and regret." Cherish such feelings no more than a few people. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Lang believes that the Chu State when to build a successful platform, the state also gave him their due reward and honor, he was only working for the country as a professional manager, and when he put his own master, he did not put the seat. Positioning is not correct, this is the view of Professor Lang. 

  Chu Kin was a bit when the hero, he served as director of a small factory, the hardships, hard to the extraordinary courage and capacity, with 18 years of hard time, so that small plants grow into tens of billions of dollars of profits each year a large group . Wages in that general age of only several hundred dollars, they factory workers an average wage of at least four or five thousand yuan. In 1994, he was elected "Man of the top ten of reform." However, due to institutional reasons, his great contribution to corporate and personal income has not been reflected, 18 years his total income but millions of personal income made him the huge gap between the serious psychological imbalance, coupled with the lack of effective oversight mechanisms his brilliant life course deviated from the road, 1.74 million U.S. dollars because of pollution, in 1999, he was sentenced to life imprisonment, at this time, he has a 71-year-old man. 

  His daughter committed suicide in prison, but it is behind bars, which is a more than 70-year-old man is not is not his life fall most of the worst pain down fall. Many people not only sorry for him, and that the end of his life. However, unexpectedly, he won first sentence, changed to a determinate 17 years in prison for a year, two years after the prison in 2002 for his severe diabetes granted medical parole, home living recuperate, and activity restrictions area in the home. According to our idea, he can take care of themselves in old age home, and this is the outcome of his best. 

  However, he did not choose this path, but a 2400 acre contract barren hills, the kinds of orchards, Kim Tae-established a company. At this time, in 2009 Mexico Zengzi Phoenix has a program that is the 81-year-old orchard in the situation of the elderly. He contracted the barren hills to have just gone through the baptism of mud-rock flow, a mess, the local village that it is a "bird in the manger" place. Many difficulties did not stop his "crazy" behavior, he took his wife into barren hills, took off his suit and put on clothes, farmers, entrepreneurs of the past into a completely authentic farmers. Hard work and sweat he put into the green barren hills of orchards, strangely, in Kunming, 10 oranges on the street 4 kilograms of money, and other types of navel orange 1 kg of crystal sugar 8 money can not buy you, but One out of products sent to Shenzhen to the north, Shanghai and other cities, have no access sign in Yunnan. 

  His amazingly good orchard efficiency. One year, the mountain-loving Wang came to Yunnan, take the time to deliberately made a special trip to visit him, he did not see a once dominated the entrepreneurs, but to see a cheerful face and dark complexion but of agricultural health. They did not talk with an articulate and business management, he introduced to Wang are orchards, gas, and the growth seedling. Between conversation, he talked about a core issue: two acres of barren hills and how to manage?

  He used the previous method. Before his time in the management of factory, and tobacco growers to adopt a mutually beneficial solution. In order to grow high-quality tobacco leaf tobacco growers, he used by the factory investment, to go directly to the establishment of high-quality tobacco leaf-based approach 

  And the import of high quality to low prices of fertilizers sold to tobacco growers. At that time, there are a lot of tobacco farmers are rich, and the tobacco farmers "win-win" is a factory, getting raw materials, and strong competitive with each passing day, the last factory turned into a "Note Printing Factory." In the orchards, there are more than 100 agricultural households in more than 300 people busy to each tree he had set the standards for determining the number of production, he said how much fruit on how much, because too much will affect the fruit quality, and therefore, more The fruit that he would not. As a result, farmers almost see on the initiative to remove the fruit, never take bad fruit to customer. 

  He also developed incentives to farmers as long as a task to complete, will be able to get 4,000 yuan of wages, quality standards, and then receive 4,000 yuan, more than 2000 yuan a year-end bonus, a farmers received over ten thousand dollars a year, than to working more outside money. 

  Previously, Chu Kin management at the factory when the factory thought the people came to work; the management of the orchard now, I would like to work in the orchards came to the people. The 80-year-old man has, in the face of the vicissitudes of life, had a painful annoyance, but after tears, wiped away tears, once again ignited the fire of hope, hard life, life will be prosperous, so that people around the well-being and happy. 

  Wang said with emotion: "I am very inspired. Chu Kin was contracted at 2000 acres and types of oranges.挂果oranges to 6 years, he was already 75 years old. You imagine, a 75-year-old man, wearing a large dark glasses, wearing shirts break, told me excitedly about the fruitWhat is the scene of oranges. 2000 hectares (2400 acres) of Orange Park and local villages together with the nature of poverty, and environmental protection. Although he situation poor, but his mind as emerging entrepreneurs. I thought, if I met him as the setbacks to his age, I will be thinking about? I know, I will not be brave like him. " 

  Second, Yunnan Hongta Group all cases when the health of the Enlightenment to the marketing of psychology 

  Understanding of the case only know that, rather than experience. Therefore, from this perspective, the article is often indirect experience, and may not be profound. However, the actual situation, the following areas, or today‘s instructive: 

  01. Incentive mechanism and distribution system. Today, China‘s enterprises, with Shanghai as an example, 880,000 enterprises, with the number of truly powerful system and incentive mechanism? How many truly great boss of the strategic vision, vision or insight? Or only the immediate benefits of? Zeng Guo-fan said, "Where doing big things, knowledge-based, can be supplemented." First of all, the vision to see far away, and then how to ensure the realization of goals, while management is important, including the distribution system and incentive mechanism. 

  02. Team members to meet the psychological needs and to meet the demand for the issue of self-enhancement. Team members is the core, people-oriented, this is a core. How people-oriented, how to carry out a variety of legitimate people‘s psychological needs met, and to meet the needs of its progress, it also must be considered and attention. 

  03. Is the core sales force management. Chinese bosses of small businesses, a considerable proportion of the boss from work to the other person in charge when the sales come out of position, and that the rebels or independent or that are so up. In essence, unfair distribution is a core element. Sales dry up to a certain extent a good hand with the big clients, there is a problem, head of sales "With the customer in order to make the boss," what I work for you? How to make money by八九十been deprived of their legitimate owners? And then do their own. The occurrence of this phenomenon is a universal phenomenon, it is definitely not a two character‘s personal issues, there definitely will be the distribution system and incentive mechanisms, and for many SOHO or small-scale started started the company, sales is the lifeline of how to get this one, very crucial. 

  III Conclusion 

  A few days ago, one of my subordinates, I look for a Chief Operating Officer, quarterly assessment on time, to talk about his mental imbalance. In fact from a different vantage point analysis is a distribution and incentive mechanism. Bad economic situation in 2009, many small business failures, the boss to come out and look for a job, I contacted a number of months, but also recruited some of them. They are all very good, many of them do not continue operating, the surface is unable to maintain cash flow, in-depth look at, or distribution system, incentives and sales force issues. Some are not strong sales, some sales of mobile too, disdain not the boss, the boss of themselves, most of them occurred in young people below the age of 30, while these people, the next few decades will be China‘s the backbone and pillar, must be aware of. I have a tutor, I often consult him on the structure and system problems, once, I have to designate a branch of the royalty from the gross margin of 15% to 5% of the reform, the instructor pointed out the direct problem, he told me that the company accepted mode of operation and before the establishment of a single point in the sales for cash flow and the main channel, it is necessary to pay attention to the distribution system and the balance of incentives. Today, I also gave the instructors, then the reader. 

  These are the views of the author inappropriate, please criticism.   

  The original Simplified Chinese


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