2007年6月12日邵逸夫官方网站宣布2007年邵逸夫数学奖授给普林斯顿高级研究院Robert Langlands和哈佛大学Richard Taylor。1993年Wiles论文有漏洞是Taylor填补这个漏洞。中国人只知道Wiles证明费马大定理,不知Taylor。为了怕引起中国人的抗议,宣布时没有介绍Taylor证明费马大定理工作。为了这个我们从国外网下载有关Taylor的介绍,供中国人参考。
Richard Taylor (mathematician)
Richard Taylor (born 19 May 1962) is a British mathematician working in the field of number theory. A former research student of Andrew Wiles, he returned to Princeton to help his advisor complete the proof of Fermats last theorem.
Taylor received the 2007 Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences for his work on the Langlands program with Robert Langlands.
[edit] Academic careerHe received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1988. From 1995 to 1996 he held the Savilian Chair of Geometry at Oxford University, and he is currently the Herchel Smith Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University.
He received the Fermat Prize in 2001, and the Cole Prize of the American Mathematical Society in 2002.
[edit] Work
One of the two papers containing the published proof of Fermats Last Theorem (Ring theoretic properties of certain Hecke algebras. R.Taylor and A.Wiles Annals of Math. 141 (1995) 553-572) is a joint work of Taylor and Wiles.
In subsequent work, Taylor (along with Michael Harris) proved the local Langlands conjectures.
Taylor, along with Christophe Breuil, Brian Conrad, and Fred Diamond, completed the proof of the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture.
Very recently, Taylor, building on his own work and that of Laurent Clozel, Michael Harris, and Nick Shepherd-Barron, has announced a proof of the Sato-Tate conjecture, for elliptic curves with non-integral j-invariant. This partial proof of the Sato-Tate conjecture follows from a modularity result, generalizing Wiless result for elliptic curves.
Some expert opinion now predicts that the removal of the technical condition, and the full Sato-Tate conjecture, will follow from the stabilization of the Selberg trace formula. That is, Sato-Tate is rumoured now to be subject to a conditional proof.Shaw Prize Laureates
Jim Peebles (2004) 8226; Geoffrey Marcy / Michel Mayor (2005) 8226; Saul Perlmutter / Adam Riess / Brian P. Schmidt (2006) 8226; Peter Goldreich (2007)Life Science and Medicine
Stanley Norman Cohen / Herbert Boyer / Kan Yet-wai / Richard Doll (2004)

·Michael Berridge (2005)·Wang Xiaodong (2006) ·Robert Lefkowitz (2007)
Mathematical Sciences
Shiing-Shen Chern (2004) ·Andrew Wiles (2005) · David Mumford / Wu Wenjun (2006) ·Robert Langlands / Richard Taylor (2007)