艾滋病预防 艾滋病预防及国外食疗研究



  艾滋病的预防方法~~ 一.谨慎性行为





  艾滋病的预防方法~~ 二.避免共用针筒


  艾滋病的预防方法~~ 三.减少血液接触






WFXJ4DCCFJJ2P96142SD4WTM6FKF5GX0  以下是一些hiv感染后的初期症状及其发生率。这些症状通常在感染后2-4周内出现。平均要在3个月之后才能由验血证实感染。所以如果你最近有过危险性活动和其中的几个症状,请一定找医生:







      康生丹颗粒是经陕西省食品药品检验所、陕西省疾病预防控制中心成份测定,西安交通大学医学院免疫与病原生物学系免疫抑制模型实验证实能改善免疫器官的功能,使脾脏、胸腺明显增重,促进免疫抑制小鼠T淋巴细胞的增殖功能,使外周血细胞数尤其是有核细胞数量得到明显改善. T细胞释放淋巴因子,具备细胞毒性,与靶细胞特异性结合,破坏靶细胞膜,直接杀伤靶细胞,不产生抗体,使免疫效应扩大和增强。所以康生丹颗粒的免疫作用是通过“细胞免疫”来直接完成免疫应答而诱导恢复并激活免疫缺陷与抑制的。康生丹颗粒可抑制血清中脂类的氧化,抑制过氧化脂质的生成,并降低血中胆固醇和甘油三酯的含量;能通过自身调节增加SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)的含量,降低过氧化脂质,清除自由基,减轻自由基的损伤作用;对X射线具有防护作用,对肿瘤病人放疗、化疗引起的副作用有很好的抵抗作用,还可加强人体的免疫力;具有抗血栓作用;有明显抑制肿瘤的增长,对肿瘤细胞的DNA合成和细胞转移有抑制作用,能直接杀伤肿瘤细胞,破坏其表面结构和功能,特别对人类白血病细胞DNA的合成有很强的抑制作用,抗癌作用受到了人们的重视;研究表明对人类艾滋病病毒的感染和病毒细胞的活性都具有直接抑制作用,对AIDS的治疗和预防非常有用;还对疱疹性口唇炎和口腔溃疡效果显著,具有广谱抗病毒的能力。

Kang Sheng Dan particles are in Shaanxi Province by the Food and Drug Inspection, the Shaanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention measured ingredients, Xi‘an Jiaotong University School of Medicine Department of Biology and pathogenic immune immunosuppression model experiment proved to be to improve the function of immune organs, so that the spleen, thymus significantly by weight, the promotion of immune suppression of the proliferation of mouse T lymphocyte function in peripheral blood cell count, especially the number of nucleated cells has been significantly improved. T cells release lymphokines with cell toxicity, with the target cell-specific combination of target cell membrane damage, direct anti-target cell does not produce antibodies, so that to expand and enhance immune response. Dan Kang Sheng therefore the immune role of particles through the "cellular immunity" to direct the completion of the restoration of the immune response and induction and activation and inhibition of immune deficiency. Kang Sheng Dan particles can inhibit the oxidation of serum lipids, inhibit the generation of lipid peroxidation and reduce serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels; through self-regulation to increase SOD (superoxide dismutase) content, lower lipid peroxidation, free radical scavenging, reducing the role of free radical damage; of X-ray has a protective role of the Cancer Patient radiotherapy, chemotherapy-induced side effects have a very good resistance, but also to strengthen the body‘s immune system; with anti-thrombosis effect; have significantly inhibited tumor growth of tumor cells to DNA synthesis and cell transfer inhibition has direct anti-tumor cells, destruction of its surface structure and function, in particular, on human leukemia cell DNA synthesis has a strong inhibitory effect, anti-cancer role of people‘s attention; study of human HIV infection and virus cells have direct inhibitory effect on the treatment and prevention of AIDS was very useful; also herpetic inflammation lips and oral ulcers significantly with broad-spectrum anti-viral capabilities.  

AIDS therapeutic research abroad

--- Ways AIDS Dietotherapy beetroot, spinach, garlic and olive oil are another common food, however, yet to be put together after these foods after processing has become a treatable AIDS drugs. South Africa in recent years the application of results show that the diet really improve people‘s immunity, AIDS has a significant role.

 艾滋病预防 艾滋病预防及国外食疗研究
AIDS therapeutic methods --- Pavilion Nepal 8226; Thomas are this recipe for AIDS, the invention of the special people, the nurses have done entirely through self-nutrition experts have created a unique world of AIDS recipes, this dish actually produced very simple, first of all will be grinding with lemon olive oil and water mixed into mashed蒜末and ginger, and then Add spinach, beetroot, and some vitamin additives, and finally add an extract from the extraction of potato objects.

AIDS therapeutic methods --- even though the production of the dishes simple, but the efficacy of AIDS is very remarkable. So far, South Africa, the use of such food treated 42,000 people in AIDS, most people feel physical changes in a magical, one of the smallest AIDS only 3 months, and a lot of AIDS patients or critically ill patients, a number of ill AIDS or even people can get out of bed at one month after the Events, more magical people are the majority of AIDS increased rapidly in vivo CD4 quantity. At t cell classification, cd4 on behalf of t helper cells, cd4 + t lymphocytes hiv infection are the main target cells, while its own immune response also are the center of cells. Human infected with hiv, the main pathological process involved in the immune system is damaged, reflected mainly in: cd4 + t lymphocytes in the loss, the absolute reduction in quantity. Therefore cd4 +, cd4 + t lymphocytes in mind the number of immune function measured as a direct method is to provide patients with hiv infection damages the immune system status of the most specific indicators. CD4 increased quantity of such foods on AIDS, improve the body‘s immune system very effective.

The treatment program is another advantage is that it does not require the purchase of other patients with the use of expensive drugs. Thomas at the two typical cases, a patient from the start in May last year to consume the food, after 6 weeks in vivo the number of CD4 increased to 650 from 520. Another patient in this therapeutic approach, the two months the number of in vivo CD4 increased from 55 to 134. AIDS because of the food has a magical effect, such a simple and cheap treatment methods have been affirmed by the South African Ministry of Health, South Africa Minister of Health on many occasions invited Thomas沙巴拉introduce this unique "diet" program, according to Minister of Health沙巴拉I said, her own on the more than 100 people saw this back on its feet after treatment to obtain a new lease on life.

Even though such programs have achieved remarkable therapeutic effect, but the mechanism of this therapy has been plagued AIDS experts, some experts think that the lack of theoretical basis for treatment programs, AIDS treatment would be misleading, while others are experts then consider the application of modern medical technology should be proven scientific principles behind the therapy. Thomas himself therapeutic feeding programs for their confidence, she thought that their diet program can completely replace the take medicine program, is currently the Technical University of Bloemfontein, South Africa, the food is of such conduct in-depth study with a view to give a scientific explanation .



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