自1981年发现老人首例艾滋病以来,全世界累计已有6000万人感染了艾滋病食疗病毒,仅2001年,全世界就新增病毒感染者300万。专家原因预计,在2000至2005年这5年间,全世界死于艾滋病的将达6800万人,其中5500万人生活哮喘在撒哈拉以南的非洲国家。 艾滋病的恶性蔓延已经改变了一些国家的人口构成。目前撒哈拉以南非洲国家的人口平均寿命已经从62岁下降到47岁,在发病率最高的国家博茨瓦纳,疼痛成年人食疗病毒感染率为38.8%,平均寿命已经下降到1940年以来的最低点――39岁。

Analysis of AIDS a threat to human civilization
Since 1981 found that the elderly since the first case of AIDS, the world has been a total of 60 million people infected with the AIDS virus diet, only in 2001, the world will add three million HIV-infected persons. Reasons experts expect that in the 2000 to 2005 5 years, the world died of AIDS will reach 68 million, of which 55 million people living with asthma in sub-Saharan African countries. Malignant spread of AIDS has changed the composition of the population in some countries. At present, countries in Sub-Saharan Africa the average life expectancy of the population has dropped from 62-year-old to 47 years old, in the countries with the highest incidence of Botswana, pain therapeutic HIV infection rate of adults 38.8%, average life expectancy in 1940 has fallen to the lowest point since - 39-year-old. Affected by AIDS, the most serious attention to children and youth, 20 years, the most rampant AIDS seven African countries, the attention of children under age 5 mortality rate increased by 20-40 percent. UNAIDS estimated that in between 2010 to 2015, due to the impact of AIDS in sub-Saharan African countries, young adults 15-34 years of age the mortality rate will reach its highest point, under normal circumstances than the mortality rate 17 times higher. AIDS affected countries so that the livelihood of the residents of asthma level dropped significantly. In Zambia, AIDS killed his father by two-thirds of the lives of families, the average monthly income had fallen by 80 percent; in Côte d‘Ivoire, there are AIDS patients with the information the average income of families is only half the national average; of Burkina Faso, Uganda and Rwanda, three African countries surveys forecast is that by 2015 AIDS will enable these countries the proportion of people living in extreme poverty reached 51 percent, while in 2000 this proportion was 45%. UNAIDS said that Burkina Faso, 20 percent of rural households as a result of AIDS are forced to reduce the labor, or even to give up farming; in Ethiopia, AIDS patients with information every week about the field work time from 11.6 to 16.4 hours in between , and a normal labor field work per week is 33.6 hours. Therefore, the AIDS epidemic in the country, economic output and national income decline sharply. HIV infection rate of more than 20% of the national gross domestic product is now an average annual rate of 2.6 percent continues to drop. UNAIDS said this is because the vast majority of information patients and therapeutic HIV-infected persons freckle period in young adults, AIDS has led to mass loss of experienced labor force, thus weakening productivity. The agency in a number of African countries survey, AIDS caused by absenteeism, reduced productivity, health care cost increases, such as muscle has also increased the cost of production and profits of local enterprises, a decrease of at least 6-8%. The increasing spread of AIDS but also made a number of developing countries the medical effectiveness of health-care system overwhelmed muscle. In sub-Saharan African countries, even if not considered for emergency medical treatment, annual per capita for the direct costs of AIDS treatment also needs at least 30 U.S. dollars, but these countries the per capita expenditure on public health fever less than 10 U.S. dollars. In addition, the effectiveness of AIDS health care quality found that simply can not be guaranteed, due to the lack of beds, the hospital can only live in those patients in critical condition information, and more timely treatment of patients with lost opportunities. Since the AIDS epidemic, some countries student enrollment also declined substantially. According to the World Bank is expected to Zimbabwe in 2010 the number of primary and secondary school students will have been reduced 24 percent, the number of primary pupils in Kenya will be reduced by 14 percent, Uganda will be reduced by 12%. At the same time, a large number of teachers infected with HIV or died of AIDS, many African countries, a serious lack of teachers, and education back to make the popularization of knowledge of AIDS prevention and treatment work and face greater difficulties, which created a vicious circle. AIDS disaster is enormous. In order to avoid a plague of the century to the world cause more trauma, as advocated by the current General Assembly, human should be the fastest to take practical action in the public vigorously popularize AIDS prevention knowledge of gender, to increase AIDS prevention vaccines and Emergency treatment of drug research, so that all AIDS patients enjoy the timely and proper information treatment.