英国nuts杂志官网 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(9)


8226; Penetrate Undergrad Student Market

8226; Develop Post Graduate Market

8226; Develop International Student Market

8226; Develop Market Segments at Northumbria, Sunderland and Durham Universities.

8226; Develop University Staff Segment


8226; Eventually develop external university segment

From the Ansoff Matrix (figure 6) we have developed our market into micro segments based on the premise of making no alteration to the product itself.

The undergraduate segment of Newcastle University will remain the core segment (closest links with members of the cast therefore more word of mouth etc).

Both the post graduate and the international student segment of Newcastle University will be the first tier of expansion / developing, followed by development of other Universities (beginning with Northumbria) again using the under graduate markets as the starting point. The key is to develop untapped potential market making no adjustments to the product itself.

 英国nuts杂志官网 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(9)
Figure 10 – Proportion of sample interested in viewing a NUTS performance

Our survey ascertained that nearly 90% of students would consider going to a NUTS performance if they had more information, and the price was acceptable. This data confirmed our belief in the ability for NUTS to further penetrate the undergraduate market segment and develop the post-graduate and international student markets  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/9101032201/367420.html


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