公司三年战略规划 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(8)










Business and economic environment

1. External economic stability will continue, therefore the assumption can be made that industry and customers will have enough space to develop.

(Figure D)

2. The “Matching” deal with the union will continue.

The market

3. Spending Power (disposable income) of the consumer will remain unchanged, and the theatrical market will remain secure. (see figure 9)

Figure 9 – Disposable income spend of sample

This chart shows that the student budget per month is severely restricted. Post-graduates have the highest disposable income, however this is low when compared to other segments. This shows little opportunity for ticket price increases within the student segment.

Product, Place, Price, Promotion

4. NUTS development of a strategic marketing plan and its implementation in the coming year’s awareness and brand image will sharply improve.

5. The overall costs of the organization will be reduced as sponsorship will be attracted to eliminate costs.

6. NUTS will be able to secure the necessary permanent venue with the necessary capacity that will provide continued and adequate returns.


7. The strategy focuses on student markets in the area of Newcastle upon Tyne which is expected to grow over the next few years (figure f), in particular: international students, undergraduates, postgraduates as well as staff.


8. No new entrants to the “student market” in next few years. Certain amount of time and investment is required to build a competitive university theatre society, and it would not be profitable for a professional theatre company to enter the student market. Price competition will remain critical issue.

 公司三年战略规划 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(8)

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