公司三年战略规划 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(3)









To calculate the costs of performances, limited data has been available to aid in the production of this marketing plan. It should be noted that this analysis is based on a single source of data, which cannot provide a true picture of costs. (as costs will be dependant on types of performance and venue)

Figure 4 - Pie chart showing NUTS cost breakdown

 公司三年战略规划 英国NUTS 三年营销战略报告(3)

Venue costs are considerable, while sound costs are of major concern. Other costs are in comparison fair, with virtually no costs for costume or props. Marketing costs are 12% of the production, which is also concerning considering the perceived lack of awareness of the society.

Figure 5 - Line graph showing NUTS projected financial performance

This three year marketing plan shows an increase in revenue from £30,720 to £42,000 and an increase in profit from £19,968 to £31,248. The purpose of this marketing plan is to show how these increases will be achieved.


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