资本成本率 《投资式管理》第三章 事半功倍——从成本到资本1

It was a cold Sunday afternoon in Shanghai when my partners and I met Mr Huang, CEO of a large shoe factory in Wenzhou. The aim of this meeting was to explore the possibility of investing in Mr Huang’s company. His sales and production figures were impressive but the earnings were way too low – 3% ROS (return on sales).


We were looking for companies with at least 15% ROS, which means that for every dollar the company sells, 15 cents is the net profit after deducting all costs of goods, overheads, expenses, taxes and so on. The world’s best performing company is doing 29% ROS. It was not too much for investors to look at 15% when 29% is the best in its class.



Mr Huang went on to sing praises about his production capabilities and capacities. He stressed that he had the people and resources to do another 2 million pair of shoes, as he knew we could swing in 1 million pairs if we co-own the company. The company was very asset heavy. He had $4 of assets for every 50 cents of profits. It would be wonderful if Mr Huang could generate $4 of profits for the $4 assets employed.


Most managers of business and public facilities care very little about the returns on the assets employed. From an investment perspective, it is about input and output. I am an advisor to a public service sector in Singapore that provides community centers to people in the neighbor. The principal objective of this public service is to allow people to interact so as to build up a cohesive society. When you look at the number of people using, visiting or benefiting from these community centers that cost millions of dollars to build, you wonder if it would be better to build shopping centers instead. So to increase the patronage, the community centers start to invite top brand retailers like McDonalds, Starbucks, top training companies to become their “anchor tenants” to bring in the people. All parties’ objectives are met with this entrepreneurial approach.


Mr Huang went on to tell us that he can sell his US client USD$10 per pair of shoes and his costs was USD$8 and he would make USD$2; a 25% return on costs which he was proud of. We probed further and found out that the US client was selling the shoes for USD$100. His client was making 9 times on costs! To be fair, let us assume the client spends USD $20 to advertise, USD$20 to distribute resulting in net gain of $50 per pair – making a return of 100% without the huge capital outlay for the factory assets, up front cash flow for the workers, materials and so on.


Our investigation revealed that the US client has distributors that pre-sold the shoes to the distribution channels the moment the shoes leave the China port. Their asset light strategy, pre-selling, cash flowing and compressing the cycle time gave them the productivity and cutting advantage.


We asked Mr Huang how long can he go on competing on low cost and when this advantage would become a liability. We were asking from hindsight gained from our experience in Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. All these countries lured foreign buyers with their low cost advantage in the 80s and then by the early 90s, other South East Asian countries came in to offer the same story too. The cost advantage window closed very fast and forced the low cost players to move into cheaper locations. Mr Huang did not think of this and thought that his low cost advantage would stay forever.


Mr Huang then realized that his US client had one sustainable advantage that he did not have – that is their brands. The client had two internationally recognized brands and five other house brands that they established for the bigger retailers. These brands were “portable” to other contract manufacturers as long as they comply with the specifications, quality and low production costs.


Mr Huang’s factory was not portable and he would be stuck there for the next 30 years with the land lease and equipment financing unless he sold them away when the situation called for it. Mr Huang realized that the other part of the profit equation is revenue. Mr Huang is now thinking how can he sell his shoes at a premium price for USD$100 and more. 


Mr Huang responded quickly and said he would also build up brands to be like the US client. We did not express our views in front of him. Brand building is a delicate art and it needs capital and time. To nurture a global brand like Singapore Airlines, it took the company more than 30 years to gain its current brand recognition and standing in the market place. It is not something that can be done overnight. It took Nike, Reebok and Adidas years and persistent brand building to achieve its current standing.


Maybe the solution for Mr Huang is to adopt the same strategy used by Legend – that is to buy over an established brand like IBM. We would have adopted this strategy if we owned this business. We can raise more capital for the acquisition as long as the target company is profitable. The more profitable the company is, the easier to raise funds for the buyout. We are now talking about enhanced productivity and profitability and not cost cutting.

 资本成本率 《投资式管理》第三章 事半功倍——从成本到资本1
As a manager or business operator, what would you do to increase your productivity and profitability?              




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