重庆理工的今天与未来 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来6

How to help your staff achieve their dreams and goals?


I was delivering a speech at the Ping An Insurance Achievers Congress in Beijing in 2003. I shared with them that we as human beings do what we do because each one of us has a dream. It is this reason that drives many people to peak performance, fame and fortune.


My dream is to have one school in every province of China where people can learn to become wealthy. In my dream, the school is not one where you learn, graduate and then work for people. My dream school is one that allows people to learn from successful people, never graduate and then have many businesses that give many people opportunities to earn MORE. This is the reason why I am working so hard to acquire more schools in China.

 重庆理工的今天与未来 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来6


Some people may first misunderstand me as a money-grabber. This is not about more money and me. It is about money for the people who need it the most. Frankly, I do not need that much money but there are many poor people out there who need to learn to get out of their poverty. Yes they can become wealthy when they learn the techniques and mix with the right learners.


So I asked these top achievers to share with their colleagues their dreams. One female agent shared that she wanted to make RMB$5 million within five years. I replied that is not a dream but simply a short-term goal. She stressed that it is her dream. She emphasized that many people in China dare not even dream of this and felt proud she got the guts to dream and talk about it in public. She went on to say how her “dream” propels her to her current standing in the company. She received a standing applause from the fellow achievers. This is her internal driving force that is making her perform miracles.


I went on to tease her. I asked “If I can help you to achieve your dream within two years instead of five years, what would you DO for me?” She replied instantly “Anything!” The audience was laughing away. I reminded her that I am a man and she may not realize what she was getting into. We got more laughter from the audience. She stand up and said “This is the price I am willing to pay to achieve my dream. It is small compared to the sufferings my family had to endure without this wealth.” She got a standing ovation.


To help people to achieve their dreams and goals, managers first have to probe deeply into what is behind that dream – that is – what exactly is that internal driving force. We can talk about many “dreams” as they may simply be figments of our imaginations. Managers need to get to the root reason for that dream or goal. With that, the dream can continue to glow in the mind and set off the energy and dedication to go all out to make it come true.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/9101032201/369462.html


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