How to stay relevant and creative to stay on top? 如何与时俱进、引领潮流?Things are never the same but our human needs remain the same. This is a perennial investment opportunity. The need to be entertained exist all these while but the way to be entertained changes over time. During my time, a portable walkman would made my day. Today, I use a tiny MP3 player, compressed hundreds of my favorite songs into it. It made us throw away our old stuff and spent large sums of money on the new stuff to satisfy the same old need. 我们人类的需求一如从前,但万事万物却并非一成不变的。这就是一个长期的投资机会。比如,娱乐的需求一直存在,但娱乐的方式方法却随着时间而改变。我们那个年代,便携式的随身听非常流行。如今,我用小巧的MP3,里面有经压缩过的数百首我喜欢的歌曲。我们淘汰旧东西,花大把的钱在新东西上来满足我们同样的需求。aihuau.comThe managers’ challenge is to help the team to stay relevant and be creative to create “happenings”. Managers must not allow happenings to destroy their organizations; they must develop new stuff, new ways and new ideas, to seize opportunities and create the changes that will put the company in an advantageous position. This is the only way to enhance our investments. If you can make more money with MP3 players, why are still struggling with the old portable cassette player? 经理人的挑战是帮助团队保持稳定,创造性地制造惊喜。经理人应该避免让意外事件来破坏组织。他们应该发掘新事物、新方法和新观点来抓住机会和创造机会推进变革,这能使公司处在优势地位,这是惟一提高我们投资的方法。如果能从MP3生意中赚更多的钱,为什么还要在老式的便携式随身听生意中苦苦挣扎呢?According to the Economist Intelligence Unit 2005 report, it was reported that one of the top three risks is that companies are not innovative enough. It stated that great companies stay innovative all the time. For companies to prosper, managers must invest in creative ideas, products, services, concepts and a system that makes people churn out profitable innovations. 根据经济情报机构2005年报告,公司的三大风险之一就是缺乏足够的创造能力。该报告表明一流的公司始终保持创新。为使公司业务兴隆,经理人应投资于创意、产品、服务、观念和体系,促使员工开动脑筋,想出有价值的创新。Being creative is not something for mad people or geniuses. All people can be creative as long as they can observe old problems lurking around us and then start thinking aloud of ways to solve them. Managers should offer their colleagues, suppliers, stakeholders and most important of all customers the opportunity and reward to suggest “newness” to the company’s products, services, systems, procedures, business processes, and money-making ways. 创新并不是疯子和天才所特有的。只要人们留意身边原已存在的问题,并开始思考解决问题的办法,那么人人都具有创造性。经理人应该为同事、供应商、股东,最主要的是客户们提供机会,并鼓励他们对公司方方面面诸如产品、服务、体系、程序、业务流程和盈利模式等提出创新建议。

Investors like to have plenty of options to choose from when they invest. Similarly, the manager must have many new suggestions to choose from and decide using their well-defined investment criteria – the idea with lowest cost and risks and with the highest returns.What are you doing to get more creative ideas to perfect your choice?投资者一般喜欢从大量的选项中来筛选投资。同样的,经理人也需要很多新建议来进行选择和决策,决策依据明确的投资标准----最低的成本和风险,获取最高的回报,经理人也一定有许多建议可以挑选和决定。您如何获得更多创意以完善自己的选择?