站在未来看今天 《投资式管理》第一章 与时俱进——从今天到未来3
How to identify and plan for a profitable future?如何找到和规划富有的未来?Managers need to look ahead and identify where that “rainbow” would be in the future. No one is going to work with you when they do not know what their future would be like. As investors, we study and invest in emerging or sunrise industries and systematically reduce and exit from sunset industries. Managers need to guide their organizations to do likewise. Many managers work themselves into the valley of death. They got retrenched and out of jobs, as they were the ones responsible for their company’s death. 经理人应预测未来,找到那道成功的“彩虹”。如果您无法为下属指明远景,没人会愿意为您工作。作为投资者,我们对新兴产业或是朝阳产业进行研究和投资,并逐步地缩减投资或退出夕阳产业。经理人应该引导企业这样做。许多经理人走进了死胡同,只采取紧缩和裁员措施,他们应对公司的倒闭负责。
aihuau.comA manager in a building contractor firm saw the decline in their industry and suggested to the company to switch from constructing homes to building “food courts” using their same capabilities. The company discovered that there was more money to be made in running the food courts instead of just building them. They studied and recruited experienced managers to run the business. Had the contractor continued with their business in the sunset industry, they would close shop like many other contractors. Instead, they are now enjoying the cash and profits in an emerging industry.一个建筑承包公司的经理看出他们所处的行业正在萎缩,建议公司利用原有的施工能力由建造住宅转变成为建饲料厂厂房。同时,公司发现经营饲料厂比单纯建造饲料厂更为赚钱,研究并招募有经验的经理人来经营。如今,他们在这新兴的行业里赚着大把的钞票。如果建筑商继续经营他们的夕阳产业,他们有可能像其他建筑公司一样倒闭。Managers should not be so engrossed in their daily operations without lifting their heads to look at macro environmental developments around them. Managers must learn to have a keen sense of growth opportunities and set up feelers for changes that can hinder or harm current operations. Having the radar system without clear and specific executions will also result in losses. The December 26 Tsunami is a classic example. Lives, dreams and assets can be protected if only timely response actions were taken. 经理人不应仅埋头苦干全神贯注于日常运营,而应该抬起头来看看周围的宏观环境的发展和外面的世界。经理人必须学会对发展机会保持敏锐嗅觉,并且能够感知妨碍和损害当前运营的变化。仅仅拥有雷达预警系统而没有清晰具体的执行措施,结果仍然是失败的。2004年12月26日的海啸就是一个经典实例,如果及时采取措施,生命、梦想和财产就能幸免于难了。All of us are definitely going to the future of fame and fortune. Whether you are taking the bicycle, bus, train, ship or plane, we are all heading towards that direction. Those of us who are taking the plane would get there quicker and happier. The real question to the manager is “What are doing to prepare your people to get there faster and easier?” 人追求的无非是名望和财富。不管您是骑自行车,乘公车、坐火车、搭轮船还是乘飞机,我们都能到达目的地。乘飞机的人到达目的地会快些,开心些。经理人面临的一个问题是:“让人们更快、更便捷地到达目的地该做些什么准备呢?”Many firms know the opportunities and even had action agendas to work on but the people have neither the tools nor the skills to seize the opportunity. To make horses run fast, they need to be fed with grass. Managers need to secure the new tools and train the people with new skills to take on the new journey. All these called for great investments in time, money, effort and most of all, peoples’ belief. They want to know for so much they put in, what would they get in return. It is the managers’ role to show the costs and benefits and also the costs and damages for not doing. This is investment analysis. 许多公司看到了机会,甚至已经制定行动计划。但员工既没有工具,也缺少技能去抓住机会。要想马儿跑得快,就得给马儿吃草。经理人应该保证提供新的工具,为员工提供培训,传授新的技能,使他们适应新的岗位要求。所有这些需要投入大量的时间、金钱和精力,还有最重要的是对员工的信任,他们想知道所投入的能带来怎样的回报。经理人的任务就是展示出成本和利益,以及不这样做的损失成本。这就是投资分析。
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