Managers do not DO the work; they direct people and resources to ACHIEVE results.经理人并不是“做”工作,而是投资人才和投资资源去达成目标。Such responsibilities needed an astute investor mindset and an entrepreneurial behavior to put in some to get MORE out of it. This is the investor DNA. No investors would put in more to get some. 这就需要精明投资者的智慧和企业家的风范去四两搏千斤,投入较少的钱,获取更多的回报,这就是投资者DNA。没有哪个投资者会大把投钱而只想得到一点点回报的。aihuau.comFor example, there were three sales representatives whereby Alan brought in 60% of the company’s profits, Ben 30% and Chuck 10%. Ben and Chuck disliked Alan; many staffs envied Alan because he made the most money in the company. Customers love Alan. Ben can do more but he was contented with what he got. Colleagues loved to sing and dance with Ben and Chuck. Chuck is the nephew of the boss and had his way of doing the minimum to get by. The boss is unhappy with Chuck and suggested to the manager to assign him to work on this important deal. As an investor-minded manager, who would you deploy to get that PROFIT? 例如:有三个业务代表,Alan能创造公司60%的利润,Ben30%,Chuck10%。Ben和Chuck不喜欢Alan。公司许多员工妒忌Alan,因为他在公司赚了很多钱。但顾客们都喜欢Alan。Ben本可以做更多的业务,但他满足于目前现状。同事们喜欢和Ben和Chuck一块去唱歌跳舞。Chuck是老板的外甥,有办法做最少的业务而混过指标。老板对Chuck不满意,建议经理分派重要的业务给Chuck。作为一个有投资意识的经理人,您会分配由谁去完成利润指标?Possible Answers:Deploy Alan – highest probability of getting the result.Deploy - lowest motivation of achieving more

Deploy Chuck – lowest probability of getting the result可能的回答:分配给Alan——最有可能完成任务分配给Ben——成功机率低分配给Chuck——最不可能完成任务Each answer carries a different result. Getting Alan to do has the highest chance of winning but will make many more people unhappy with his huge earnings. Sending Ben would have the lowest motivation and thus the lowest chance of winning. Deploying Chuck would score political points with the boss and could sabotage Chuck’s relationship with his uncle. Managers are always confronted by such people-political entrapment. They spend more time thinking and charting through such minefields but insufficiently on how to get the MOST out of the people and resources. 不同的回答意味着不同的结果。让Alan去做的话,有很大的胜算,但会让更多的人因他能赚大把的钞票而不开心。 安排Ben去做,他的主观能动性低,成功的机率低。分配由Chuck去做迎合了老板的心意,但如果Chuck完成不了任务时,又会弄僵Chuck与叔叔的关系。经理人经常面临着这种办公室人际政治的陷阱。 他们要花时间来思考这种问题,避免办公室人际政治陷阱,就没有精力让员工和资源发挥最大效率。Investors’ yardstick for success is ROI – Return on investment. 投资者的成功准则是ROI – Return on investment,即投资回报率。By sending either Alan, Ben or Chuck, the investment is about the same but the returns are very different. Alan gives the investor the biggest bang for the buck. Alan can increase another 50% of the company’s total profits. 不管是分配Alan, Ben 或是Chuck来做,投入是一样的,但回报却大不相同。Alan能为投资者带来丰厚收益,能让公司利润总额增长50%。The investor-mode of management will become more intense with the advent of competition, more professionalism and transparent corporate governance. Managers cannot hide and not accountable for their responsibility. Investors and stakeholders will measure the returns managers’ achieve. It is no longer good enough to just administer; to be great, managers must invest their resources for greater returns. The managers job is not about doing; it is growing and multiplying the stakeholders and employees wealth. 随着竞争、专业化和透明企业管理体制的来临,“投资式管理”越来越受到大家的关注。经理人们必须对他应尽的责任负责。投资者和股东们以公司收入来衡量经理人的业绩。一个出色的经理人必须投入资源创造更大的回报。经理人的工作不仅仅是做事,而是要让股东和员工的财富增长甚至倍增。