It was 10am and I was doing my 12km jog along the scenic seaside with blue skies, blue-green seas, green trees, colorful flowers, birds chirping and sweet floral fragrance. It was a sunny day and I enjoy every minute of the run. There was hardly anyone except for another jogger, a couple and some cleaners.上午10点,我沿着新加坡风景如画的海边进行12公里的慢跑,碧海蓝天,绿绿的树,五彩的花,鸟儿在欢唱,空气中弥漫着醉人的芳香。在这阳光明媚的日子里,我尽情享受着慢跑的每一分钟。除了另几个慢跑的人、一对夫妇和几名清洁工外,整个海滩上几乎没有别的人了。

It is a simple pleasure in life but not many people got to enjoy it. They are either too busy working or managing their work and lives. When I got home, a cleaning staff asked me if I was not working for that day. I replied yes and added that I do not work everyday. She was stunned and explained that I am an investor. She asked how could I afford to live in such an expensive condominium without working.这是生活中简单的快乐,但不是每个人都懂得享受的。人们总是为工作和生计四处奔波。当我回到家中,家里新来的清洁工问我今天是不是不用上班。我回答说是的,并补充说我并不是每天都需要工作。她很惊讶!我随即解释说:我是一个投资者。她问我为什么不用工作却又能住得起如此昂贵的公寓呢?aihuau.comMy short investment lesson number one to her was “Investors do not work for the money, they let their money work for them. Yes, the money is well invested in people who can grow their money. Companies and assets cannot grow money on its own; it is people.”我送给她的第一堂投资课就是“投资人不是为钱而工作,而是让钱为他们工作”。是的,懂得生钱的人才会有效地投资自己的钱。公司和财产是不会自动增值的,而是要靠人。People need leadership, guidance, motivation, reward and sense of mission in order to achieve peak performance. Managers are therefore needed to think, plan, organize, delegate, monitor, motivate and most important of all – talent scout and groom – people so as to achieve goals and profits. Managers’ principal role is not to DO; they are there to leverage on resources and harmonize people to achieving benefits for the customers, employees, stakeholders and society. 人们需要领导、指引、激励以及使命感来达到成功的顶峰。经理人也需要思考、计划、组织、授权、监督,最重要的是——选人和育人。这样才能够达成目标并实现利润。经理人的主要角色不在于“做”,而在于优化资源配置、协调人员来达成客户、员工、股东和社会的共赢。Investors look at the quality of the managers managing the organization before they invest. In short, investors want to know if the management can ACHIEVE results. Investors do not fancy “popular” managers who could not deliver. A case in point would be, Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP. She was charismatic and popular but the board wanted PROFITS. She had to leave and HP had to pay her enormously so that a new CEO can do the job.投资人注重经理人管理企业的能力。简言之,就是需要知道管理能否达成目标。投资人并不迷恋那种“流行”的经理人。惠普公司原CEO卡莉-菲奥莉娜就是一个很好的例子。她个人魅力超凡,很受欢迎。但董事会要的是利润,她只好离开,惠普因此支付她巨额离职金以便让新的CEO就任。Most MBA programs teach managers to “administer” instead of “investing” in people and resources. That is why the degree is called “Masters in Business Administration”. It is fine just to become the “administrator” of a result-achieving organization but most entities need more than that. What is badly needed are managers who can achieve results by making people work effectively with leveraged resources. 大多数MBA课程只告诉你如何管理人和资源,而不是教你如何对人和资源进行投资。这就是为什么这个学位叫做工商管理硕士。在目标导向型组织里成为一名管理者当然是件好事,但大多数企业需要的远不止这些。企业亟需经理人通过优化资源配置,有效工作,达成企业目标。