论文前言和摘要的区别 企业口碑营销专题研究(1) ——摘要、目录及前言

摘 要









Word-of-mouth Marketing is a process of planning, organizing, executing, and monitoring, which for the purpose of getting a good reputation of enterprise and brand, also including the intentional or unintentional actions to make, edit, publish the Word-of-mouth Material and then communicate it through some kinds of channels. Compare to other Marketing methods, the Word-of-mouth Marketing has some advantages, such as fewer input, more output, lower venture, and higher efficiency. But the study to it is just before the starting line, and the understanding to Word-of-mouth has never touched the Marketing level.

After analyzing the relation between Word-of-mouth Marketing and Sales Marketing, the thesis has clarified the relations between the Word-of-mouth and the elements of marketing one by one, then the new “12P” combination has been rebuilt. Based that we have constructed the operating system of Word-of-mouth Marketing, which has three levels (target level, execution level, database level).

In this operating system, we paid more attention to the two subsystems, which are the Word-of-mouth Communicating and the Word-of-mouth Material. We even drew out the Word-of-mouth Communicating model and described the elements of it, such as communicating steps, content, motivation, the key points, and the outside impacting factors. At the same time, we introduced the resources and the content and the character of Word-of-mouth Material respectively, and then we figured out the problem to edit the material.

Last but not least, through the analyzing Word-of-mouth economics, we have proved the sense of Word-of-mouth Marketing. A success of marketing should be accord with the three conditions, which are satisfying the demands, catching the notice, fixing the receivable price. 

In the end we added a case to review the theory of Word-of-mouth Marketing. Through the research we have helped enterprises study the theory and develop it’s Word-of-mouth Marketing. Particularly, we have constructed the system, which give more senses to both the theoretic and practice.

KEYWORDS:Word-of-mouth; Marketing; Communicating; Word-of-mouth Economics

 论文前言和摘要的区别 企业口碑营销专题研究(1) ——摘要、目录及前言

前 言






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