摘 要口碑营销是企业有意识或无意识的生成、制作、发布口碑题材,并借助一定的渠道和途径进行口碑传播,以满足顾客需求、实现商品交易、赢得顾客满意和忠诚、提高企业和品牌形象为目的,而开展的计划、组织、执行、控制地管理过程。和其它营销手段相比,具有成本小、产出大、效率高、风险低等特点。然而国内对口碑营销的研究才刚起步,对口碑的认识尚未上升到营销的层面。本文从分析口碑营销与传统营销的关系入手,细致的阐述口碑和市场营销诸要素的关系,提出了新的“12P”组合理论。并在这个基础上,构建了包含目标层、运作层、数据层三个层次的企业口碑营销运营系统框架。其中,重点研究了口碑传播和口碑素材两个子系统。给出了口碑传播模型,并对口碑传播过程、传播内容、传播动机、参与者、影响因素和关键点作了细致的分析。同时针对口碑素材来源和表现形式以及特点,给出了素材编辑的一般方法。接着从经济学的角度分析了口碑营销的意义,提出了要实现口碑营销必须要以满足需求为前提,以及必须符合信息能被购买者所感知和价格能被购买者接受这两个必要条件。aihuau.com1最后结合了一个成功的口碑营销案例,浅析了实践中的口碑营销。通过以上研究,有效的帮助企业更清楚的认识口碑营销,更好的运用口碑营销。关键词:口碑营销;运营系统;口碑传播;口碑;口碑经济AbstractWord-of-mouth Marketing is a process of planning, organizing, executing, and monitoring, which for the purpose of getting a good reputation of enterprise and brand, also including the intentional or unintentional actions to make, edit, publish the Word-of-mouth Material and then communicate it through some kinds of channels. Compare to other Marketing methods, the Word-of-mouth Marketing has some advantages, such as fewer input, more output, lower venture, and higher efficiency. But the study to it is just before the starting line, and the understanding to Word-of-mouth has never touched the Marketing level. After analyzing the relation between Word-of-mouth Marketing and Sales Marketing, the thesis has clarified the relations between the Word-of-mouth and the elements of marketing one by one, then the new “12P” combination has been rebuilt. Based that we have constructed the operating system of Word-of-mouth Marketing, which has three levels (target level, execution level, database level). In this operating system, we paid more attention to the two subsystems, which are the Word-of-mouth Communicating and the Word-of-mouth Material. We even drew out the Word-of-mouth Communicating model and described the elements of it, such as communicating steps, content, motivation, the key points, and the outside impacting factors. At the same time, we introduced the resources and the content and the character of Word-of-mouth Material respectively, and then we figured out the problem to edit the material.Last but not least, through the analyzing Word-of-mouth economics, we have proved the sense of Word-of-mouth Marketing. A success of marketing should be accord with the three conditions, which are satisfying the demands, catching the notice, fixing the receivable price. In the end we added a case to review the theory of Word-of-mouth Marketing. Through the research we have helped enterprises study the theory and develop it’s Word-of-mouth Marketing. Particularly, we have constructed the system, which give more senses to both the theoretic and practice.KEYWORDS:Word-of-mouth; Marketing; Communicating; Word-of-mouth Economics

前 言口碑营销其实有着悠久的历史,其价值不言而喻。可以说口碑营销是成本最低,效果最好的一种营销工具。虽然它的价值不容忽视,但是就国内而言,对口碑营销的研究才刚刚起步,甚至可以说是几乎为零。虽然口碑营销的研究在中国尚未兴起,但是在中国市场上,口碑一直都被人们所重视,并得到了实际的运用。中国消费者的特点和不少的实证研究结果都揭示了口碑营销在中国的巨大发展潜力。因此,加强对口碑营销的研究,有助于企业更清楚的认识口碑营销,更好运用口碑营销。更重要的是建立起企业口碑营销系统,对理论和实践都具有不可忽视的指导意义。具体来说,企业可以借助这个口碑营销系统,激励人们传播有利于本公司的口碑。这样不仅可以带来直接的利润,更可以提高公司的品牌知名度,美誉度以及印象深度。在这个口碑营销的系统上,企业借助于传统和现代网络等口碑传播渠道,构建更加贴近市场,贴近顾客的营销体系,并制定更有生命力的品牌策略、产品策略、促销策略、服务策略、渠道策略、价格策略、公共关系策略、广告策略等。本文希望通过对口碑营销、口碑传播的研究,界定口碑营销与企业现有营销体系的关系,建立企业口碑营销系统。简单的说,此次研究要解决的问题是:帮助企业系统的认识口碑营销理论,有效的运用口碑营销这一新的营销工具,有效的开展口碑营销活动,建立起比较成熟的口碑营销系统。本文研究的主体是口碑营销在企业中的应用,目的是帮助企业有效的开展口碑营销,树立良好的公众口碑。论文侧重讨论口碑传播和口碑素材,分析口碑和市场营销中的诸要素的关系,并在这个基础上给出了口碑营销系统架构。接着从经济学的角度分析了口碑营销的意义,提出了要实现口碑营销必须要以满足需求为前提,以及必须符合信息能被购买者所感知和价格能被购买者接受这两个必要条件。最后结合了一个成功的口碑营销案例,浅析了实践中的口碑营销