1、 大学生应当从大学一年级一入学就开始学习,越早越好。这意味着你在4年当中对该技术连续而大量的使用,将确保你在毕业时的听打可达到每分钟180~200字以上准确率99%以上,这在现在和将来相当一段时间内已经是相当具有竞争力并具有稀缺性的特殊技能了。
2、 大学生个人最好能有一个属于你个人专用的笔记本电脑(如经济条件不太好,可买二手机,档次不必太高,一般能做文字处理即可)。这一属于你个人专用的笔记本电脑,将是你最重要的工具之一,既是你用以进行高效学习的重要工具,同时又是你工作挣钱养活自己的重要工具。
3、 所有专业的所有大学生,特别是文秘、中文、法律、医护等专业的大学生,都应当在校学习期间就学习掌握并能够娴熟使用苏永全中文电脑速记技术。当别人都已学习掌握并能娴熟使用而你却不能时,这一缺项无疑将置你于极为不利的地位上。
4、 以上所述对中专学生同样适用。
[1] 美国学者对大学生做课堂笔记与其学习成绩之间的关系曾做过大量研究,兹摘录部分如下:
Lecture note-taking influences the academic success of all high school and college students (Stahl, King, & Henk, 1991). As Spires and Stone (1989) point out, students will "increasingly have to depend on their ability to take notes in order to be successful in the classroom."
Ornstein (1994) believes that all students would benefit if teachers deliberately trained their students in note-taking techniques, especially the lower-achieving students. Bakunas and Holley (2001) suggest that note-taking skills should be taught to students in the same manner that they are taught writing or computer skills.
Studies about the effect of note-taking on achievement recognize that there are two distinct categories of note-taking (Meyer, 2001). The first category suggests that the notes themselves are valuable because 1) help the learner rehearse the lecture content and (2) can serve as a memory device that can help the student to remember parts of the content that were not included in the notes themselves.
The second category suggests that the act of taking notes is important because it 1) increases attention and concentration, 2) encourages students to process the material at a deeper level, and 3) provides a means of connecting new learning with prior knowledge (Carrier & Titus, 1981). These two categories imply that note-taking can boost achievement by acting as a product (the first category) or as a process (the second category). In this project we will investigate the impact of increased writing speed and written output on both the product of note-taking as well as the process of note-taking to enhance scholastic achievement.