







  Take what you really like, and don‘t be afraid of change

  Professor of the University of Oklahoma, Counselor of

  Italian Government (Privatization Advisory)


  William Megginson


  Take what you really like for your career.

  It sounds simple, but you do should take something that really excites you. Because you‘ll be really good at it.

  I have a Bachlor‘s degree of chemistry, and worked as a chemist for 5 years, but I didn‘t feel that was what I really like; I wasn‘t happy about it.

  I changed it as I was getting my MBA. When I found finance, it became clear ‘this is what I really shoulddo.‘ I was 27 when that happened, and that was fairly old to go back school, to get my PhD, but it was still early enough to have a new start. Now I work with firms and governments all over the world. I like traveling and really enjoy my work, I would never regret my decision.

  ●thank you for your question:"you reset your career path at the age of 27, yet some people may find their careers are not cut for them in their 30‘s, or even older. Though they don‘t like what they are doing, they neither wanna change it. They are afraid of change, given their age, job issues and so. As you see, how should people deal with such situation?"

  "Actually, I was planing to go to Medical School in college, to become a doctor. And I was working in a hospital emergincy room in my college town, where I met a doctor who was exactly in that situation. He was in his 40‘s. He hated what he was doing, he hated being a doctor, but he was trapped. It would cost him a lot of money to quit and take something new, so he was afraid to make the change. And that made me realize, if I don‘t do what I really like, if I don‘t have the courage to make the change, I won‘t get a successful career.

  So when you are still young enough, don‘t be afraid to make your decision, don‘t be afraid of change. When you are in your 20‘s, when you are in your 30‘s, even in your 40‘s, you are still young enough to have a new start of your career.

  Take what you really like, and you‘ll be really good at it."  

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