Here are are my contributions based on my experience in advisory services: - Quality and client satisfaction come first - remember, the client pays your salary. - Understand what you enjoy about the job and focus on those areas that give you satisfaction. - Always be honest. "基于在咨询业的经历,我的建议是: --质量与客户的满意放在第一位--别忘了,你的薪水是客户给的。 --思考一下自己为什么喜欢自己目前的工作,集中精力于那些能给自己带来满足感的领域。 --永远要坦诚。" 附2: Follow your heart

Head of IBM Plant Location International, IBM consulting services. (IBM咨询合伙人,全球工长置位研究总监) Roel Spee (罗伊.斯毕) Throughout my career, the best advice I ever get would be: - Follow your heart. If you are passionate for what you do, and strongly believe in it,then go for it. - Have fun in your work. If you are not having fun anymore,it‘s time for a change. - Always think positive, and be constructive. If things go wrong or you have bad luck at times, try to find out what you learned from it and get stronger by learning from mistakes or bad experiences. If you have criticism about others, don‘t just say that they are doing something wrong, but add your constructive advice to your criticism. - Never be satisfied with yourself, be critical to your own performance. Put yourself in the position of your ‘client‘ and ask yourself the question whether he/she would be satisfied with your performance. - Keep the work-life balance right, don‘t mix up work with private life. You don‘t live to work, but you work to live. Working too hard and too long creates burn outs, and makes you less efficient, and less creative. There‘s probably more, but I guess this would be helpful with your career. ●thank you for your question:"As you said, we should follow our heart, put faith in what we are passionate for, and keep the work-life balance right. But sometimes we may get a kind of unsure if we are really doing what we want. And sometimes when we are fully devoted to our jobs, we may ignore other things, we loss the balance. So how do you think we can do better in finding what to do, and do it right?" "Take time for self reflection. Every once in a while it‘s good to evaluate yourself, and asses what you wish to do next and how to achieve. Do this at moments that you decide, and not only when your superiors request it." 放下自尊心,给自己平静的心态 北京甲壳虫图书公司总经理郑学兵 我在人生中得到的最好的忠告是"性格决定命运,态度决定一切"! 一个人无论他从事什么样的行业,或者拥有什么样的学历,他必须要有好的性格才能在事业上取得成功。一种开朗乐观,乐于助人的性格,才能与身边的人建立好的关系,赢得朋友,以及将来的事业伙伴,和在事业上能给你帮助的人。 而一个好的态度就是以一种积极的人生态度面对这个复杂的社会。 一个班级,比如现在大学里某一个班级100人,今年一起毕业了,一年以后大家来聚会的时候,彼此都还没有什么差别;三年以后来聚会,大家的经济状况,工作环境等等已经小有差别;而等到10年以后大家来聚会的时候,这个差别就相当大了。有的人可能认为,那些取得不错成绩与地位的人是因为家庭的关系与背景。确实,家庭的背景可以给某些人一个不错的起点,但是一个人不可能一生都依靠家里。你可以从上一辈,从父母他们的同学聚会中看看他们在毕业多年以后,在各自领域都取得了怎样的发展,看那些在不是在起步阶段,或者短期,而是在长期中取得成功的人。有一点可以肯定的是,不论他们从事什么样的行业,但是能在长期上,在自己的工作事业中取得卓越成果的人,一定是为人乐观,广交朋友,同时态度积极,能够面对一切挫折的人。简单说,就是决定他们成功的,是他们的态度,他们对生活的态度,对工作的态度。