How do you picture your funeral? Is it important for you to have people mourn your death? *
87.你可以忍受以下哪种限制:永远离开你的国家,或永远不能离开你现在生活的地方? Which of the following restrictions could you best tolerate: leaving the country permanently, or never leaving the state in which you now live? 88.在一次丛林远足中,你的好友和你的父亲踩到了一窝蛇,同时被毒蛇咬伤,生命危在旦夕。如果你口袋中装有解毒剂,可只够一个人用,你该怎么办? You, your closest friend, and your father are on vacation together, hiking in a remote jungle. Your two companions stumble into a nest of poisonous vipers and are bitten repeatedly. You know neither will live without an immediate shot of anti-venom, yet there is only a single dose of anti-venom and it is in your pocket. What would you do?