

  On television I saw a program about zebras. Apparently, within a large herd, the males look after their families. Each one has a few females and foals, for whom he is responsible.

  He leads them, drives them and directs them, shelters and protects them; seeks out water and new pastures; takes the front-line in face of any danger.

  It struck me that, not so long ago, such was the role of males in our society. Men were figures of authority: instructors, guardians, providers – at home if nowhere else.

  Now with women’s independence, patriarchs are dying out. Instead we have two partners sharing the load. Much more satisfactory – for the women. And, I suppose, some men.

  But what about all those males, shy, insecure, uncertain of their masculinity, who, unsupported by their culture, fail to make the grade? Self-assured girls pick their mates with cruel distinction: usually favouring those strong, able and aggressive.

  Think of all the myriad single mothers: for each one there is a man who in days gone by would have been the head of her household. Where are all these obsolete men? What becomes of them? Are they gay? Lonely? Desperate? Part of suicide statistics?

  Somewhere in the course of evolution a human strand has been lost and a pool of victims created.  

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