





  It seems to me there is no such thing as a sexually liberated woman. Liberation exists between two people or not at all.

  As a concept it is by all means present in the heads of innocent young girls, who proudly look upon their bodies as assets to be enjoyed.

  Unlike her mother, who regarded sex with shame and fear, through a romantic haze, today’s woman is a free spirit, confident in her attractions. She walks at ease into the waiting world to sample what it has to offer on equal terms with the men.

  Chances are, she may hook a fellow who can’t conceive of such a thing as women’s sexual liberation, but simply sees a female offering herself for free.

  Depending on his level, such a man will either take advantage, break her heart, or impregnate, deceive, abandon, use, abuse, degrade, exploit her; go as far as beat or rape her.

  Years later the woman will look back, wondering what destroyed her. Whatever happened to her sexuality? Her confidence? Not to mention her attractions?

  It has to be said that those lucky few who team up with a like-minded partner, go on to have the best of all relations, whether a fling or a lifetime commitment: an equal match of balance and respect, of shared pleasure and mutual enjoyment.

  So – all aspiring liberated young women: Be very careful in your choice of mate, even for a one-night stand.

  In one of our great Victorian novels I read the following pronounce-ment: ‘The terrible curse of being poor is that we cannot afford to protect our women.’  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/9101032201/453144.html



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