

  The minute someone wilfully attacked me, verbally or physically, I broke right down, burst into tears: submission, humiliation complete. Bully’s mission accomplished.

  How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself. It left me with a deep sense of shame.

  I was too innocent to know that it isn’t weakness to feel aggrieved as you discover brutality where you expected friendship, duplicity where you had placed your trust, malice where you had felt devotion.

  At a later stage I learnt that this particular despair was not on behalf of my own person. I felt – still feel – that same lump in my throat whenever faced with human iniquity: tales of tortured kittens, gratuitous violence; documentaries on the Holocaust; reports of current war atrocities.

  However, my lament is not for the victims, whose souls no wanton cruelty can touch; but for those misguided wretches, who deliberately have taken their leave of the only thing worth living for: the only thing that gives life value.

  Rejecting and negating human kindness, they’ve placed themselves beyond its reach. For them there is no hope, no redemption.

  Now, as my tears fall for them, I am no longer ashamed.  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/9101032201/453157.html


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