

  “Well done,” said the therapist, as he handed in his list. “That’s the bulk of your work done. All that remains is for you to decide what you want to do about all these.”

  He started by saying good-bye to the things he didn’t favour: wife, children, elderly father, drooling dog. The family home he sold at a handsome profit, which allowed him to pay off both wife and hefty mortgage.

  His job was next in line: early retirement on the grounds of ill health. Then he went to live in a small apartment in Torremolinos, where he could indulge, all year round, in the two items on his list of preference: golf and windsurfing.

  If he wasn’t entirely happy, he was at least, at last, in therapeutic parlance, true to himself.

  Two years later he was back in London receiving treatment for depression.

  “This therapist is no good at all,” he complained to me. “She says my problem is, I’m too selfish. If I did something to benefit other people, my health would improve dramatically. That’s a complete contradiction of what I was taught before!”

  “How can I do both?” he exclaimed despairingly. “Benefit others whilst remaining true to myself? It’s impossible!”

  As I said, he is a troubled soul.

  I can recall being eaten with envy. It made me feel quite ill. The object was a girl in my school: blonde, dynamic, with glittering green eyes. Beyond being beautiful, she was wonderfully self-possessed. What else could a teenager wish for?

  Her smugness irritated me no end. She was so radiant, so full of fun, so damned pleased with life. Everyone adored her, except me and a few others equally afflicted.

  I nearly fainted the day she came to me requesting, would I be her friend? Seemingly sincere, she claimed to be in awe of my prowess in the classroom, where she herself had to struggle.

  Resentment gave way to devotion. I became her faithful servant sunning myself in her glory; she my loyal supporter boosting my fragile self. It was a friendship made in heaven, forged for life.  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/9101032201/453159.html



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系列专题:《10位精英教你读大学:读大学怎么读》  第四节  自省,在反思中走向成功  人贵有自知之明,人重在时常自省。一个人只有在不断的自省中才能保持清醒、完善自身。自省,是个人的内在修养,也是走向成功的必然要求。 


系列专题:《完美大学攻略:进入大学要读的第一本书》  第五节 有时我们也会抑郁  近些年,大学生自杀的新闻可谓屡见不鲜,抑郁症也成了大学里的流行话题之一。不过我们要分清楚,不能将抑郁情绪、抑郁障碍和抑郁症混为一谈。抑郁情绪


系列专题:《一本救命的书:怀斯曼生存手册》  灰熊会在北部地区的不毛之地和森林里游荡,它们非常危险,要敬而远之,千万不要招惹。   生存时最好选择沿着海岸线移动,大海可以提供相当可靠的食物来源。在海岸边、冰面上和海水中,都能见着
