hr面试提问技巧 提问技巧(三)







第一,一些问题和采访主旨并不太相关,但是可能作为一种铺垫,引出下文,还是需要的。例如is it the first time you visit canton fair? Which business are you in? which country are you from? 是组员对商人索取基本背景信息,了解这些背景信息有助于接下来深入地探讨访问对象所提供的相关信息, 但是要注意,不能花太多时间在背景信息的索取上,不如省点精力,攻击主题。

得到了一些背景信息之后,采访者继续说M: You are from Holland and you are selling your potatoes. You come to the canton fair to buy potatoes and export them to….这里并没有提出什么实质上的问题,只是将被采访者的之前所作的回答重复了一次,在你不确定自己是否正确理解被采访者的所发送的信息的时候,这样的重复是可以的,否则就显得多余,纵览全文,出现这样“确认信息”的问题还真不少,例如(M的提问):

S: I think the European potato is so popular…everyone just like to eat the potatoes, but the European potato is quite expensive. And the Chinese potatoes I offer to them are much cheaper

M: So you think the Chinese potato is competitive in the price?

人家摆明了就是说中国土豆价格竞争力强了,没必要再问一次。但是只要稍稍改变,这个问题就会变得很有价值,看看——do you think the Chinese potato is competitive JUST in the price? 不一样了吧?这样的话就可能引出他要购买中国土豆的其他原因,说不定还因为中国土豆的其他优势。犯同样错误的还有:

S: I am thinking of buying more potatoes. People will cut the cost. I mean they will shift for other poor product that will satisfy their need. I think Corn will also be popular, and rice is also the product come close to people.

M: So they are willing to cut the cost, and the Chinese potatoes are cheap. And they will consume more Chinese potatoes?

S: Actually I will buy a lot of quantities this year because it won’t affect the European market and the European potato increase in the price. … And so far, it will be good . The Chinese are able to find way to grow the Chinese potato in cheap…

M: You are very positive about you future and your business?

要用这样一种确认式提问去套取你想要的信息是很难的,被采访者的回答就可能非常简略——yes or no,或者回答过于广泛离主旨太远。


M: Are you aware of the financial crisis? And do you think your business will be affected by the financial tsunami?

S: I think my business will be affected, but only in the positive way. I am offering the Chinese potatoes with cheaper price. I feel the people will try this cheaper potato  one time as they have less money present. And if the Chinese potato fill good potent and have good quality. so I think my business will be better, that is also why I came to the canton fair this year

M: So during the recession time, the European will consume more potato?

采访者问到“你注意到经济危机了吗?它对你有影响吗?”,这就说到主旨上了,然后受访者就开始说了一大段,当中提到“affected in positive way”,经济危机带来正面影响!那不就是我们要探讨的“经济回落中的商机吗?”,这时候采访者应该兴奋起来,抓住此关键点,多点问问why, how, what, where等等,例如how does it affect in positive way in specific? How much potato you will increase to import?如果你不想再说土豆了,你也可以尝试挖掘其他一些在市场不景气的时候还可以大行其道的产品,你有没有想过,连吃的都要省了,这个地区的经济可能受到很大冲击吧,既然这样,可能人们都会想尽办法去节省开支,那除了购买一些中国potato能够省钱之外,他们还会想尽什么办法去省钱呢?你曾经了解的或者推广的产品是否能够对他们有所帮助呢?举个例子,如果采访人员是一家出口DIY家用工具的公司的调查人员,其公司主要的产品就是bread maker和pasta machine,在家里做面包和意大利粉会比在市场或者餐厅买便宜,那么他可能就会问,you mean the people will cut down cost by purchasing cheaper potatoes, so , do you think they will also cut down living cost by making bread or pasta themselves at home?但是这次的采访者只是问the European will consume more potato?这样的问题能得到的信息就很少了。

    在采访中,商人提到“I feel the people will try this cheaper potato  one time as they have less money present.“ less money”,这 也是一个关键点,为什么钱就比以前少了呢?是这次金融海啸的影响了该地区的收入吗?收入会下降多少呢?

商人还说到: But if the fertilizers price keeps rising, I am not able to pay at low price. It will be difficult for me to do business. And so far, it will be good. the Chinese are able to find way to grow the Chinese potato in cheap 。从这段话我们可以获得的信息是该商人认为low price很重要,而且很有信心中国可以满足他这个要求。金融危机面前Price是他考虑的第一因素吗?中国产品除了low price 还有其他的优势吗?为什么他就如此相信中国能做到廉价呢?如果做不到你有什么对策呢?这些都是很值得研究的问题,但是采访者并没有抓住关键深究下去,而只是说“You are very positive about you future and your business”,真可惜!


M: Is it your first visit in canton fair?

S: It is the Second time

M: Which business are you in?

S: I sell potato

M: Which country are you from?

S: From Holland

 hr面试提问技巧 提问技巧(三)

M: You are from Holland and you are selling your potatoes. You come the canton fair to buy potatoes and export them to….

S: Yes, that’s right. I want buy Chinese potatoes and sell in north of the Europe

M: Do you think the European potato market will grow recently?

S: I think the European potato is so popular…everyone just like to eat the potatoes, but the European potato is quite expensive. And the Chinese potatoes I offer to them are much cheaper

M: So you think the Chinese potato is competitive in the price?

S: Yes, I think the Chinese potato is popular in Europe. The European potato market not growing that much

M: Are you aware of the financial crisis? And do you think your business will be affected by the financial tsunami?

S: I think my business will be affected, but only in the positive way. I am offering the Chinese potatoes with cheaper price. I feel the people will try this cheaper potato  one time as they have less money present. And if the Chinese potato fill good potent and have good quality. so I think my business will be better, that is also why I came to the canton fair this year

M: So during the recession time, the European will consume more potato?

S:I am thinking of buying more potatoes. People will cut the cost. I mean they will shift for other poor product that will satisfy their need. I think Corn will also be popular, and rice is also the product come close to people.

M: So they are willing to cut the cost, and the Chinese potatoes are cheap. And they will consume more Chinese potatoes?

S: they will satisfy anyway. I think the Chinese potato will definitely sell more in the coming year

M:So do you have any complaint about the Chinese manufacture?

S:The Chinese potatoes suppliers use chemical product that make the potatoes look good from outside but from the inside, the buyer complain that when they keep it in store, I mean in cold place, the potato doesn’t taste good anymore.

M: In china the fertilizer is more common. You mean in European they grow potato with less chemical product for growing potato.

S:Yes, more regulation in the Europe in growing potato. The potato from china look good outside but when the people cook it the water become black..

M:So do you think if the Chinese supplier could improve the potatoes in appearance they could sell the potatoes at a better price? the appearance of the potatoes is good, there is not much complains, but I think the quality is lack because the temperature in southern China where I get the potatoes is hotter, so thats why they use the pesticide to achieve the same quality. But I think instead of pesticide, they should try to use different kinds of ways to keep the potato good, like using fertilizer, which is a little bit more expensive, but you have to use less of it. Actually I mean if they plant more potatoes, fertilizer is a good use, but if they sell in a lower scale, the pesticide is cheaper. So I would say they will they look for other ways to take care of the potatoes, they can improve the quality and this way also the sales because the cost especially in the long term will not matter that much.

M: The fertilizing price is rising and the RMB is getting stronger, do you think your business will be affected and buy less..

S: Actually I will buy a lot of quantities this year because it won’t effect the European market and the European potato increase in the price. But if the fertilizer’s price keeps rising, I am not able to pay at low price. It will be difficult for me to do business. And so far, it will be good . the Chinese are able to find way to grow the Chinese potato in cheap

M: You are very positive about you future and your business

S: Yes, I think my business is good. And during the financial recession, my business will increase. Eventually, the potato is more expensive than corn and rice. I look into way that I can not only import the potato I also look in to the possibility to import corn or rice and extend our product line. If the financial crisis become worse, the potato will be less consumed and this will also affect my Chinese potato business, but then I still have corn and rice in my product line to sell.

M: So you have plan for importing other products.

S: yes

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