文/本刊记者 孙永剑
8月5日,马其顿共和国驻华大使馆举行招待会,欢迎马其顿奥运代表团到来,法特米尔·杰拉迪尼大使主持了欢迎宴会。这支由18人组成的奥运代表团,随后参加了摔跤、射击、游泳、皮划艇和女子100米共5个项目的角逐。而在此前马其顿奥委会为奥运代表团举行的饯行仪式上,中国驻马其顿大使董春风在接受马其顿国家电视台采访时表示,北京奥运会是中国和世界的喜事、盛事,相信马奥运代表团此行将进一步促进中马人民之间的相互了解和传统友谊。祝愿马体育健儿在北京奥运会上取得佳绩。|!---page split---|
Land of Fantacy and Romance, Macedonia

-----Interview with H.E. Mr. Fatmir Dzeladini, Ambassador Extraodinary and Plenipetentiary of Macedonia
Full sense of humour, always tells unique and fantastic stories, this is H.E. Mr. Ambassador Fatmir Dzeladini. His humour and stories, in fact, are quite attached to the far and fantastic country, Macedonia. As Ambassador, he rarely presents his high-level position to people, instead, he enjoys walking in the street, or drinking with the ordinary people in small coffee houses in Beijing.
Situated in Balkan, despite the small territory, Macedonia enjoys a fame as "Small Swiss in the North Europe" due to its unique geographic environment. For instance, in Macedonia, with 20 munites only, you can skip over the city landscape, countryside pastures, cute mountains, mediterranean, etc., because the cable cars connect cities to mountains directly. In Macedonia, cable car is so convenient that its like taking bus. Mr. Fatmir Dzeladini used to take the cable cars to the mountains in his boyhood, then, enjoyed exciting skiing with his lovely puppy.
As Ambassador, Mr. Fatmir Dzeladini always intends to share the fruits of economic construction with the Chinese friends. Macedonia has not only plenty of production, but also very well developed brands which enjoy remarkable reputation in the world and play a key role in the national economic development. These brands include agricultural production, textile, handicrafts, mineral instruments, nonferrous metals, etc. "If these products are exported to China, they will take much market shares." Mr. Fatmir Dzeladini said proudly.
In regards to the investment and trade cooperation with China, Mr. Fatmir Dzeladini said, although Macedonia has not conducted any investment projects in China, they are cooperating with China on some important projects such as railway, engines, etc., and seeking cooperation with Chinas shipbuilding industry.
The trade between Macedonia and China is well developed despite some problems. In last year, the bilateral trade volume reached US$140 billion, as 10% growth over the year before. But like other European countries, Macedonia suffers huge deficit with China. In order to balance the trade, Macedonian government is taking measures to encourage the investment cooperation with China so as to achieve more market shares in China. Macedonia has a lot of products with advantages such as agricultural products, textile, handicrafts, mineral instruments, nonferrous metals, etc. In order to encourage exports to China, Macedonia Government has established some special financial departments to provide financial supports to the export enterprises, including bank loans and other supports as well.
Macedonia has developed very good relations with Chinese local governments and a lot of local industries, concerning frequent high-level visits and investigation on investment environment and trade opportunites, for instance, in last year, Macedonian government invited a world-level Chinese business delegation to Macedonia, and organized many tour and trade fairs. In September of 2008, the fairs in this kind are expected.
Link: Macedonian Olympic Delegation Participated in 2008 Olympic Games
On August 5, Macedonia Embassy in Beijing held a banquet to welcome Macedonian Olympic Delegation. H.E. Mr. Ambassador Fatmir Dzeladini hosted the banquet. The delegation consists of 18 members, they joined some Olympic competitions such as wrestling, shooting, swimming, etc. H.E. Mr. Dong Chunfeng, the Chinese Ambassador to Macedonia said previously: Beijing Olympic Games is a grand event for China and the world. We believe that Macedonian delegation will make great contribution to promote the traditional friendship between China and Macedonia.