2012年12月6日- 7日 ,意大利布列瑟农能源论坛 Munich, September 2012. The focus of the 7th ENERGY FORUM will be on the newest developments in the building sector. Renowned architects, planning consultants and representatives from the building and solar industries will meet with scientists from around the world in Bressanone, Italy, 6th-7th December 2012. 2012年9月,慕尼黑。第七届能源论坛的重点将是建筑行业的最新发展。2012年12月6日- 7日,来自建筑和太阳能行业的著名建筑师、规划顾问与代表,及世界各地的科学家将齐聚意大利布列瑟农。 Apart from the newest developments in solar energy technologies and futuristic concepts such as “adaptive building skins”, the participants will be introduced to actual projects, as well as software and planning tools for the simulation of passive houses. 参会人员除了可以了解太阳能技术的最新发展和“适应性建筑表皮”等未来概念外,还将接触到实际项目,以及用于模拟被动式房屋的软件和规划工具。 Harvesting energy from the building skin On the first day of the conference Tilmann Kuhn, head of the Department for Solar Fa?ade at the renowned Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg, Germany, will present new solar components for the integration into the building envelope. “From 2020 new EU laws will require new buildings to be constructed in such a way that they actually achieve a zero energy balance. In smaller buildings this can be achieved easily with the help of insulation and solar systems on the roof. However, when it comes to larger buildings, just utilizing the roof space is simply not enough,” Kuhn continues. “This is where the entire building skin, including the fa?ade, becomes interesting, especially from an economic point of view. The demand for surfaces that can be used to produce solar energy is rising. The huge surface area of building skins can be used most effectively to produce cost effective energy with the help of photovoltaic and solar thermal systems.” 从建筑物表皮收集能量 大会第一天,来自德国弗莱堡享有盛名的弗劳恩霍夫太阳能系统研究所的太阳能幕墙研究组负责人Tilmann Kuhn, 将展示集成到建筑外壳中的新的太阳能组件。“从2020年开始,新的欧盟法律将要求新建筑物在建造时实现零能量平衡。较小型建筑通过使用绝缘和屋顶的太阳能系统可以轻松实现这一目标。但对于较大型建筑,如果单纯利用屋顶空间则不足以解决问题。” Kuhn 接着说,“这样一来,包括幕墙在内的整个建筑表皮就变得更有意思,尤其从经济角度看。对可用于产生太阳能的表面的需求正在上升。在光伏和太阳热能系统的帮助下,建筑表皮巨大的表面积可以最有效地产生富经济效益 的能量。” Important international meeting place for the entire industry The ENERGY FORUM is highly recognized in the solar and construction industry. Participants travel to the ENERGY FORUM from all over Europe, Asia, North- and South America to exchange views and ideas in Bressanone. Mike Stadt, Product Manager of Solarion, Leipzig, explains: “The ENERGY FORUM is an international platform that allows us to create contacts beyond our own disciplines. Here we can meet all the relevant target groups as far as building skins are concerned, all in one place!” 整个行业重要的国际会议场所

能源论坛在太阳能和建筑行业内获得了高度认可。参会人员从欧洲、亚洲和南北美洲各地前往能源论坛,在布列瑟农交换意见和想法。来自莱比锡 Solarion 公司的产品经理 Mike Stadt 解释说:“能源论坛是一个允许我们在自己学科之外建立联系的国际平台。我们可以在同一个地方遇到与建筑表皮相关的所有目标群体!” Solar City Bressanone as the venue Bressanone is the ideal venue for such a future-oriented conference about renewable energies. The town has made the use of renewable energy the centerpiece of its energy policy: “This is an ambitious goal, which we are approaching step by step in our project Solar City Bressanone,” says town counselor Dr Peter Brunner. The development of a “Solar City” is an interdisciplinary cross-sectional task. Its implementation requires the involvement of a number of stakeholders: public institutions, industry, science, urban planners, architects, environmental agencies, media and, of course, the people of the city themselves. Brunner explains: “All of those interest groups find an international platform at the ENERGY FORUM, which they can use to get up-to-date on the latest developments, to exchange ideas and to develop new and innovative concepts together. Those concepts are of utmost importance at a time where the worldwide economic crisis demands that everybody gets involved; not just experts and planners, but those with political responsibility, too.” 作为会议地的太阳城布列瑟农 布列瑟农是举办此类面向未来可再生能源会议的理想场所。该镇已把利用可再生能源作为其能源政策的核心:“这是一个雄心勃勃的目标,我们正在太阳城布列瑟农项目中一步步接近。”镇议员 Peter Brunner 博士说。“太阳城”的发展是一个多学科的横向任务。它的实施需要一些利益相关者的参与:公共机构、工业、科学、城市规划者、建筑师、环境机构、媒体,当然还有当地居民。 Brunner 解释:“所有那些利益团体找到了能源论坛这个国际化平台,使他们能跟上最新的发展,交换意见,并共同开发全新、有创意的概念。这些概念在全球经济危机要求每个人都参与的一段时间尤为重要,不仅针对专家和规划人员,也包括那些肩负政治责任的人士。” For the detailed program and conference registration please visit the website www.energy-forum.com 有关详细议程和会议注册,请访问网站 www.energy-forum.com。 链接: ENERGY FORUM The ENERGY FORUM on Solar Building Skins has been organized by the Economic Forum since 2006. The main objective of the conference is to contribute to a multidisciplinary, integrated planning approach to sustainable buildings, and to create a dialogue among architects, engineers, scientists, energy managers and manufacturers with the aim of reducing energy consumption while improving the comfort and health of building occupants. 能源论坛 聚焦太阳能建筑外观的能源论坛自2006年起由经济论坛组织举办。论坛旨在为建筑师、工程师、科学家、能源管理者和光伏设备制造商创造对话机会,研究讨论出一种多学科的综合规划办法,在改善居住者舒适性和身体健康的同时减少建筑能耗。 The conference will explore strategies for saving energy and will present new ways of integrating renewable energy technologies into multifunctional building elements to achieve affordable netzero and green buildings. 大会将探讨节能策略,并展示可再生能源技术与多功能建筑元素一体化的新方法,以实现负担得起的零能耗和绿色建筑。