post show report post-implementation report template

Post-Implementation Report for

Project Name

Client Name

[Organisational_Logo] Prepared by:

Project Manager

Project Manager Title



Project Document Id

Date Prepared: [Date Prepared]

Document Information

Project Name: Project Name

Project Manager: Project Manager

Document Version No: Version Number

FocusPM Phase: Document Version Date: Version Date

Quality Review Method: Management Review by Project Manager

Prepared By: Preparation Date:

Reviewed By: Review Date:

Distribution List

From Date Phone/Fax

To Action* Due Date Phone/Fax

* Action Types: Approve, Review, Inform, File, Action Required, Attend Meeting, Other (please specify)

Version History

Ver. No. Ver. Date Revised By Description Filename

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 5

1.1. Purpose 5

1.2. Scope of this Document 5

1.3. References 5

1.3.1. Incorporated Documents 5

1.3.2. Related Documents 5

1.4. Definitions 5

1.4.1. Terms 5

1.4.2. Abbreviations 5

2. Project Summary 5

3. Issues and Changes 5

3.1. Project Issues 5

3.2. Request for Change 6

3.3. Off-Specification Reports 6

 post-implementation report template
4. Client Acceptance Summary 6

5. Performance Metrics 6

5.1. Schedule Performance 6

5.2. Budget Performance 6

5.3. Human Resource Performance 6

6. Client Relationship 6

7. Project Management Evaluation 6

7.1. Schedule Control 6

7.2. Cost Control 6

7.3. Risk Management 6

7.4. Team Management 7

7.5. Material and Supply Management 7

7.6. Quality Control 7

7.7. Delivery Management 7

7.8. Client Acceptance 7

7.9. Communications Management 7

7.10. Change Control 7

7.11. Configuration Management 7

7.12. Contract and Procurement Management 7

8. Project Snapshot Summary 7

8.1. SIC Usage 8

8.2. Top 5 Key Successes 8

8.3. Top 5 Key Lessons Learned 8

8.4. Recommendations for Future Projects 8

8.5. Key Tools and Collateral 8

9. Warranty and Support 8

10. Project Administration and Support 8

11. Project Status 8

12. Project File 8

13. Appendix 8

13.1. Project Snapshot 8

13.2. [Appendix Name] 8

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of the Post-Implementation Report is to summarise the project performance metrics and evaluate the project performance. The post-implementation data will be reviewed to identify “lessons learned” and will be used to guide subsequent projects.

1.2. Scope of this Document

The Post-Implementation Report for Project Name with Client Name reviews the project through the Implementation Phase and includes issues and changes, performance metrics, the project management evaluation.

1.3. References

[Provide pertinent references for incorporated and related documents, as appropriate.]

1.3.1. Incorporated Documents

1.3.2. Related Documents

1.4. Definitions

[Provide definitions of terms and abbreviations relevant to this document, as appropriate.]

1.4.1. Terms

1.4.2. Abbreviations

2. Project Summary

[Summarise the project. Identify the type of project and any major challenges and core deliverables. Highlight the duration of the project, the project budget, and any significant participant relationships. Summarise the project results. Did it complete on time and on budget? Were all client requirements and expectations met?]

3. Issues and Changes

3.1. Project Issues

[Identify any issues that arose during the project, and summarise their current status.]

3.2. Request for Change

[Identify all requests for change and summarise the action that was initiated]

3.3. Off-Specification Reports

[Identify any Off-Specification Reports that were generated and summarise their status.]

4. Client Acceptance Summary

[Summarise the acceptance process, and identify all deliverables that have been accepted. List any deliverables that have not been accepted, are in dispute, or were accepted under conditions.]

5. Performance Metrics

5.1. Schedule Performance

[Provide a complete summary of the project’s schedule performance. Identify the baseline data and report on all significant deviations. Complete and attach an Earned Value Report.]

5.2. Budget Performance

[Provide a complete summary of the project’s budget performance. Identify the baseline data and report on all significant deviations.]

5.3. Human Resource Performance

[Summarise the human resource performance. How did the Project Team perform? Was the team adequate for the project? How effective were any participant relationships? Have all team members been released from the project? If any members have been retained, how long will they be engaged?]

6. Client Relationship

[Define the client relationship throughout the project. Were there any problems? How does the client view HP’s performance? Attach client evaluation and refer to it here.]

7. Project Management Evaluation

7.1. Schedule Control

[Evaluate the effectiveness of the schedule control process. Identify any improvements that could be incorporated. Are all schedule control procedures concluded?]

7.2. Cost Control

[Evaluate the effectiveness of the cost control process. Identify any improvements that could be incorporated. Are all cost control procedures concluded?]

7.3. Risk Management

[Evaluate the effectiveness of the risk management process. Were all of the project risks identified? Were the risk response strategies appropriate and effective? Identify any improvements that could be incorporated.]

7.4. Team Management

[Evaluate the team organisation and management structure. Was the organisation structure appropriate? Were all reporting relationships effective? What feedback has been received regarding the process and HP’s project management effectiveness?]

7.5. Material and Supply Management

[Were all materials, supplies and facilities appropriate for the project? Were there any problems with acquisition, supply or maintenance? Have all unused materials been inventoried and returned?]

7.6. Quality Control

[How effective was the quality control process? Were there any problems with quality control? Were there any areas that could be improved?]

7.7. Delivery Management

[How effective was the delivery management process? Were there any problems with packaging, shipping, and/or tracking? Were there any areas that could be improved?]

7.8. Client Acceptance

[How effective was the client acceptance process? Were all of the tests performed as planned? Was there adequate documentation of the results? Are there any suggestions for improvement?]

7.9. Communications Management

[How effective was the communications management system? Were the project reporting requirements appropriate? Were there any bottlenecks in the information flow? Were there any technical challenges in the communication?]

7.10. Change Control

[How effective was the change management system? Were there any disputes?]

7.11. Configuration Management

[How effective was the configuration management system? Was the system able to accurately track all of the deliverables from concept through to completion and delivery? Were there any problems with interfacing HP’s system with either a client or a participant system?]

7.12. Contract and Procurement Management

[Were there any contract or procurement problems? Have all invoices been exchanged? Are there any outstanding issues?]

8. Project Snapshot Summary

[Summarise the key results of all Project Snapshots that were conducted for this project and include the snapshot(s) in the Appendix.]

8.1. SIC Usage

8.2. Top 5 Key Successes

8.3. Top 5 Key Lessons Learned

8.4. Recommendations for Future Projects

8.5. Key Tools and Collateral

9. Warranty and Support

[Identify the warranty and support requirements for the project. Provide a warranty/support status update. Identify project resources who have been transferred or retained to support the Warranty Phase.]

10. Project Administration and Support

[Review the project administration and support services that were employed during the Project Planning and Proposal Phase, the Selection Phase, and the Implementation Phase. Were these services delivered effectively? Are there any changes to the process that should be considered for future projects?]

11. Project Status

[Summarise the project status at the conclusion of the Implementation Phase. Identify any outstanding tasks, such as performance evaluations that may still need to be completed. Identify the current owner of the project, and provide a brief summary of all project tasks that are required to completely close the project.]

12. Project File

[Provide a summary of the Project File status. Identify any documents that require completion and filing. Define the procedures for completing the file, and transferring or archiving data.]

13. Appendix

[Include Appendices, as appropriate.]

13.1. Project Snapshot

[Snapshot Session Outcome – PMF4173]

13.2. [Appendix Name]


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