2011 年4 月18-19 日
马汀令可公司将于2011年4月18日至19日在上海举办采购经理高级谈判培训活动, 参加这两天的培训课程将使你获得14个PDU积分。
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 6295 1040
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: [email protected]
Advanced Negotiation for Sourcing Managers
18th & 19th April 2011
Shanghai, China
This two days interactive negotiation workshop will provide participants with the tools to achieve success. This course will take your negotiation skills to the next level with this challenging and interactive workshop.
This two-day training course will grant you 14 PDUs.
Negotiation Training Workshop:
The program takes a consultative approach to address the common dilemmas and concrete issues that experienced negotiators have identified to us. Through case studies, sharing of intellectual capital and tools, and facilitated group discussion, the workshop covers various advanced negotiation topics.
Participants learn to generate innovative solutions to satisfy those needs. They apply analytical and preparation tools to their specific work challenges, act as advisors to one another, and develop uses for the new principles and tools back on the job. At the same time, they examine how they can manage working relationships both outside and inside their organization for negotiation success.
What you will learn:
· How to reduce costs in the purchasing process
· How to identify areas for processes improvement
· What purchasing strategy to use before negotiation
· How to negotiate to increase or maintain the appropriate quality levels
· How to negotiate for reduction in inventory levels
· How to ensure schedule deliveries to arrive on time
· How to maintain good working relationships internally and with suppliers
· How to ensure risk factors are taking into consideration during negotiation
Topics Covered:
· Analyzing and appraising negotiation situations
· Preparing a cohesive negotiation strategy for important deals
· Using effective bargaining techniques and strategies
· Creating win-win outcomes for your team and the other negotiating party, creating higher value and better relationships
· Defending yourself against aggressive negotiating tactics
· Dealing with different cultures and negotiation styles
· Managing your emotions and behavior
· Keeping everyone focused on positive outcomes throughout the negotiation process
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is intended for anyone who is involved in purchasing activities that need to negotiate their way to achieving objectives in today's complex environment. People in the following categories would get the maximum benefits:
-- Purchasing directors
-- Purchasing Managers
-- Lead buyers
-- Buyers
-- Project Managers

-- Production Managers
For more information please contact:
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 6295 1040
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: [email protected]