苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)网申开放式问题1、Why do you believe it is the Right Time for you to join the GBM Markets Programme?Please use this section to talk about what you know about the GBM Markets Programme and how this fits with your career aspirations.(2048 characters / 250 words max)2、Why do you believe RBS is the Right Place for you?Please use this section to outline what you know about RBS and what makes it an attractive workplace for you.(2048 characters / 250 words max)3、What strengths and experience do you have that make you the Right Person for the GBM Markets Programme?Please use this section to describe your strengths and any experience that you have that makes you the Right Person for the GBM Markets Programme.(2048 characters / 250 words max)解题思路1、Why do you believe it is the Right Time for you to join the GBM Markets Programme?Please use this section to talk about what you know about the GBM Markets Programme and how this fits with your career aspirations.(2048 characters / 250 words max)这一问题针对RBS申请的不同项目有所不同,问题的核心在于求职者的职业规划。做为投资银行起步的分析员岗位,需要候选人几方面的硬件基础,包括优异的学习成绩、丰富的社团经验、顶尖的实习经历等等。建议求职者在过往的经历中选取1-2个与项目要求匹配的亮点进行阐述,表达“过去的几年在为金融领域的职业生涯进行准备”。通常,GBM Markets更强调候选人的数理基础,GBM Banking则更侧重于候选人的综合素质。

2、Why do you believe RBS is the Right Place for you?Please use this section to outline what you know about RBS and what makes it an attractive workplace for you.(2048 characters / 250 words max)在上一问题的硬件基础上,这一问题更侧重求职者的软件素质。通常投资银行会要求求职者在几个方面表现杰出:人际沟通、团队合作、领导潜质、时间管理、抗压、成就动机等。求职者可以在RBS的企业文化和人才要求中找到与这些素质相关的描述,做为回答问题的素材。由于字数的限制,建议求职者选取一段实际经历进行描述,通过一般过去时的关建动词表达个人素质与岗位要求的匹配。RBS的吸引力就是在于其企业文化恰好与候选人的个人优势匹配。最为理想的故事素材就是在海外参加商业竞赛或实习的经历。3、What strengths and experience do you have that make you the Right Person for the GBM Markets Programme?Please use this section to describe your strengths and any experience that you have that makes you the Right Person for the GBM Markets Programme.(2048 characters / 250 words max)这一问题针对RBS申请的不同项目有所不同,问题的核心在于岗位与人才的匹配。由于企业对人才有多方面的要求,求职者可以考虑选择在之前的回答中无法涉及的某些素质进行突出。最为有效的个人优势或经验包括分析能力、资本市场项目经历、海外经历等等。需要注意,个人优势一定要通过具体的经历和行为进行体现,不要做空泛的自我评价。在经历的描述中,最好以数字体现所取得的成就。