哪些食品有助于睡眠 十大有助于高质量睡眠的食品



1. Banana
1. 香蕉
A banana is like a natural sleeping pill. Besides containing melatonin and serotonin in small quantities, a banana also contains Magnesium, material that can stimulate muscle relaxant.
2. Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea has a calming effect which reduce the physical and mental stress, making this tea perfect beverage to be consumed before bed.
3.Warm Milk
3. 温牛奶
Nope, this is not a myth, a glass of warm milk before bed may help your sleep. Milk contains tryptophan, the amino acids that have a sedative effect and calcium that helps the brain use tryptophan.
4. Honey
4. 蜂蜜
Add a bit honey in your milk or tea. Sugar can increase energy, but in very small amounts, sugar can tell your brain to degrade the performance of orexin. Neurotransmitters associated with your consciousness.
5. Potato
5. 土豆
Some steamed potatoes or baked potatoes at night will not increase your weight. Potatoes are able to clean acid that can disrupt the performance of tryptophan in the body.
6. Oatmeal
6. 燕麦片
Oatmeal before bed is the quickest way to the sleep, because oatmeal stimulates the production of melatonin in the body at night.
7. Almond Peanut
7. 杏仁
Almond is a peanut which is good for heart organ. But almond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan and magnesium.
8. Flaxseed
8. 亚麻籽
Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 acids that can help improve your mood. Consume flaxseed when you are experiencing stress or depression, your sleep will be more comfortable.
9. Wheat Bread (Whole Wheat Bread)
9. 小麦面包(纯麦面包)
A loaf of wheat bread and tea will stimulate your insulin in the body, which is useful to help the performance of tryptophan in the brain to react, where tryptophan is converted into serotonin, which tells your brain to sleep.
10. Turkey Meat
10. 火鸡肉
Turkey meat is an excellent source for tryptophan. Tryptophan works when your stomach is empty, not when your stomach is very full. But one to two slices of turkey meat with wheat bread in the evening will be able to help making your sleep more comfortable at night.

哪些食品有助于睡眠 十大有助于高质量睡眠的食品

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