腊八蒜 泡腊八蒜的小窍门,用什么醋和选蒜是关键 [中英对照]

  Why is starting a Purple Laba garlic bulbs garlic? Vesicles and thorough Purple garlic, garlic breakdown Cishi hard, crispy garlic bulb out. Purple garlic is infrequent on the mart in recent years. With the general garlic, soak them, do not see great but the taste is not crisp petal, lavender. Kinds of garlic, how so? Purple garlic, low-yielding, fewer than the mean of the garlic into a accumulation of two, who variety of? Purple garlic sometimes watched in the market, listed afterward the wheat harvest, the cost of one-third higher than the average garlic. This rule is not the same? Harvest less presumable to sell a good price for it!


  They say the quondam is not Laba garlic bulbs this day the color is not green. Simply not the circumstance, the response of vinegar and garlic bulb is the green garlic spicy acid; acetic acid and spicy annoy. Now If you come to the old Beijing style restaurant with a meal, eating noodles, a small crown on throughout the year gave you the green Laba garlic.


  Bubble bubble Laba Laba garlic tips to starting a Purple garlic garlic and vinegar, the garlic to the old skin, inundated in vinegar, into a small altar to stamp the unsealed to the New Year’s Eve, and that Cham blue green garlic, garlic Hong liquefied in hot acetic acid attach, nostrils, is the best sauce to dine dumplings, miscellaneous with cold dishes can also be accustomed, a matchless taste.


  1. Why is starting a spume Laba garlic, Purple garlic?


腊八蒜 泡腊八蒜的小窍门,用什么醋和选蒜是关键 [中英对照]

  Vesicles and thorough Purple garlic, garlic collapse Cishi hard, crispy garlic bulb out.


  2. Why is starting a bubble Laba garlic, rice vinegar?


  Pale vinegar, garlic dip ever color, orange and green, moderately hot and sour taste, thick and slightly sweet aroma. That Laocu garlic vinegar dip color dark, green garlic is not enough, penniless taste, especially in vinegar and slightly paste savor, perhaps this is its features.



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